Well-Known Member
Right Miss, sin has no formal form of discription in the was given form / shape along with Hell from a novel written by some Italian Priest, Monk or whateva I believe back in the day.......but the question isn't "is it illegal" it's "is it a sin".
I thought our sins were pre-forgiven, therefore nothing is a sin, and before the 7 deadly sins come up, they are not mentioned anywhere in the bible. Those are man made.
Before Christ, we in our thinking were bound to hell in thought, so we lived that way, so therefore were bound in a living Hell, at the Mercy of our own Flesh.......When he layed down his life......he showed us that we have power over this Flesh, and therefore no longer was bound to a living Hell, if only in Thought......So errbody got the Free Pass except for those still bound, they just haven't redeemed their Ticket yet...I neve got the whole, jesus died for our sins thing. So beofre jesus, if you sinned you went to hell? Gee, no one mustve gotten into heaven then. So then I guess god had to revise that huh. But why did jesus have to die so that god could forgive our sins?
Here's the short version, Your New Lambo doesn't Make you who you are, You are who You are.....Right? Well back then you Were the Lambo....and that is how it was and still is for some people....
my interpertations, hope that helps out a bit

I enjoy reading your well thought out postsPerhaps when you know what a sin is, you will realize if in fact smoking weed is a sin or not.
The question is not so much about smoking weed, as defining this term: sin.
Good and bad, evil vs holy, positives vs negatives. These are all subjective and inherently meaninglessly. Meaning highly arbitrary and easily nullified.
Aren't you glad to have so many willing people to persistently tell you what to think?

here is where smoking weed is a Sin to Me....
I grind up my resinous Bud, it's so sticky icky, icky....oooooooooo, weeeee
I carefully place it in my roller, making sure not to pack it to tightly, as it would make it to difficult to get a good drag off of..
I light it up, taking in a long drag, (cough, cough, Kaaaaa aaak) thats some good shit... Haven't sinned yet, but wait,

I lay in the shadows, stalking, waiting, patiently for my next victim to fall into my booby trap.....the time is near, I've spotted my prey, Wearing a t-shirt saying live above the influence, don't smoke Weed,.......Yes the time is near, I spring out from my hidden aclove, and wrestle my game to the ground, it squeals of torment and fear is in it's eyes, for it has seen the Green Leafy sticky thing rolled up in my ear, I laugh with a sinister grin, as I take the Flame of Knowledge