smoking the morning after a night of drinking.


for me it all depends on how i feel. i don't drink alot, but when i do man can i hang in there. and unless im pounding hard liquor i never yack. (yack = puking lol) but, sometimes the next morning i wake up and smoke, and that 1st hit almost makes me puke. idk why, i think is cause my belly is sensitive from all the booze lol. but then there's times i do smoke, and it makes me thirsty and hungry right away, and im fine. weird? or have you guys experienced this ever? bongsmilie


Active Member
I have to smoke the morning after i drink a shit ton. Its the only think that gets my hangover. Oh and a few morning shots

Bud crazy lady

New Member
My old man used to call ,your few shots,Hair of the dog.and yes i always smoke every morning .but my brother has like you,50-50 hungryand thirsty -or yack.


fuck ya smoking the morning after is like relief. unless i ate alot before i went to bed. then i wake and bake, cough to hard, and yakk city! like the exorcist. i puked on my buddy's lawn one morning and went back to sleep, i awake to him yelling for me to come look at something in the lawn, i find him staring at my puke pile like wtf is that??? god was it funny!! haha and his dumb ass mutt ate some! haha