smoking the leafs


Well-Known Member
i readed they give you headache, something about the chlorophyll, does the cure process remove it? so you can smoke it with the bud?


Active Member
I wouldn't smoke leaf - unless it was a small dried sugar leaf :lol: . I would use them to make bubble hash


Active Member
i readed they give you headache, something about the chlorophyll, does the cure process remove it? so you can smoke it with the bud?
you readed that?
seriously tho, any bud you have smoked does have a small percentage of leaf in it, although if there is too much it will burn harsh.
dont smoke shake


Well-Known Member
i have smoked 2 times in my life, the first one was a leaf joint and it was gooood my mind was super clear and really i felt so relaxed, the second one i smoked just a hit of a north light joint, and i ended having a panic attack because i didnt felt my body at all, was the shitty experience in my entire life.

and i decided to grow, actually i got two parallels grow, two bagseeds (for my luck all females), and five big bang feminized.

so, i dont want to end with a panic attack again lol, and i need something to lower down the potency and get control over matter, thats the idea of the leafs ^ ^


Active Member
want to get over the panic attack? smoke some more. it wasnt the buds that made you panic, it was you, not in control of wats going on. once you get over it you will be able to enjoy the high. dont worry if people tell you they never experienced it. some do, some dont. i get panicking if i smoke from bongs. thats why i stick to rolling. if you want you can mild down your weed w/ tobacco or substances. it helps. or grow your weed to be less potent (less amber trics). but i suggest you leave the leafs to waste, or make hash.


Active Member
back in the day a lot of ppl mixed leaf with bud for rolling, it is an alternative to tobacco or other herbs that does not alter the flavor of the smoke drastically (like tobacco). if you wanna keep and use your leaf then do it, it wont hurt a thing, and if later you want to do some with tobacco or nothing added you still can with no negative side effects lol. smoking only bud is a preference many ppl have dew to higher potency and a stronger flavor, its not like there is anything wrong with smoking leaf if its what you want to try. and if you like it there is no down side to always adding leaf with the exception of others possibly looking at you funny.


Well-Known Member
you can smoke anything you can light on fire. you can smoke the dry leaves of almost all deciduous trees, but will you?! WILL YOU!?!?!
don't smoke your fan trim dude. not worth the emphysema.


Active Member
i think, if i'm not mistaken, his main concern is getting panick attacks from smoking just the buds, like he did last time he smoked...


Well-Known Member
WAAAY back in the day most weed was (if you were lucky) Mexican brown brick weed, but more often than not was mostly, if not all leaves. They didn't taste bad and did give a mild, relaxing buzz

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I've smoked some decent shake before when run out of buds... Took about 5 cones to feel about 1/2 of what a cone of the bud was like... But that was okay, Cause I was broke... Tastes like arse tho...


Scientia Cannabis
WAAAY back in the day most weed was (if you were lucky) Mexican brown brick weed, but more often than not was mostly, if not all leaves. They didn't taste bad and did give a mild, relaxing buzz
Back in the Star Trek days ^^

On topic, make hash with your trim mate (there are many methods and they can all be found by searching this forum).


Well-Known Member
Trash to hash bro. ..Its the way to go...
this guy hit the nail right on the head...

making hash (or an edible, etc) is the way to go with trimmings.

Its 100% SAFE to smoke the leaves if you want to. it wont give you a headache. just dont smoke stems or fan leaves (fan leaves have hardly any thc at all). Only smoke leaves with thc on them.

way back people use to roll with leaves in their bud. it wont get you nearly as high as bud (ie. if you smoke a whole blunt/joint of leaves) but still does the trick.

If you have the means try iso hash. its pretty inexpensive...everyone can afford it as all you need is trim, rubbing alcohol, a jar & a couple coffee filters. oh and a little patience.

Iso hash is probably one of the cheapest/fastest/easiest things to make from trimmings. butter isnt much more complicated.


Well-Known Member
Look for leaves that have trichs on them, leave the other for trash. You can smoke buds, just limit the amount of the hit. It is the same thing as the leaves just stronger. Take a small toke and wait on it. When you get tolerance from smoking regularly, then you can increase the hit you take or number of hits.