Smoking (The Green) With The Nicotine Patch On


Well-Known Member
Just like the title say's. after about 13 years of smoking cigarettes I have finally decided to kick this nasty habit(quit once before for nine weeks only because I couldnt smoke). Am I safe to burn the green stuff while I have this dumb thing on my arm? I mean I am pretty sure Im not gonna die lol but like headache nausea heart racing anyone try this before Im sure some of you stoner have. FYI Chantix is terrible, gave me roid rage times 10. I was cool for like the first week and then when I upped the dose it was crazy


Pickle Queen
as long as u don't poison your weed with tabacco your safe,
bahahaha i thought chantix was like viagara the first few times i saw that commercial


Well-Known Member
Dunno what to tell ya..i had a cocaine habit for awhile and kicked it but i cant even process the thought of try to quit smoking cigs or bud....but no harm should come from smoking bud with the patch on


You should be fine. Nicotine is the only thing you need to stay away from with a Nicotine patch on. you don't want too much of that or you will be sick. but THC won't hurt.


Well-Known Member
Cool thats what I was thinking, just wanted to make sure. I have sleep issues (cant fucking get any haha) and I usually smoke to help with that. Just didnt want to smoke with it on and get all fidgety ya know