Smoking & sports


Well-Known Member
Just wondering about what everyone thinks about smoking while you frequently participate in sports.... like I know that it has a negative effect on your performance, but over the past 4 years that i have smoked while being on a team i dont seem to notice much


Active Member
I smoked everyday when i played football. I never played in one game, but then again the year before when I didn't smoke I still didn't play. So who knows,


Well-Known Member
I smoked everyday when i played football. I never played in one game, but then again the year before when I didn't smoke I still didn't play. So who knows,
played all 3 major sports back in the day.won state championships in all 3 too(not cause of me)puffed w/ both major leaguers,nba(lots)players and div. one football guys.we all puffed and sumtimes right b4 games!!long story made short ,is that its all in ur head as to how it affects you.PEACE:-P