smoking problems =(


Active Member
sorry i could not find a thread with a description that suits this, this is the closest thing i could find.

Ive been having problems with smoking weed lately. even one hit sets me off. i get this weird feeling through me, my heart jumps around and i get a slight paint around my shoulders somtimes. its kind of odd, i have had strange and bad i guess you would call them "panic attacks"(im not sure) from smoking weed, my breathing tightens i feel horrible my body tingles, dillusional and in some cases i feel like im going to die.

I dont know why this happens. i used to smoke anywhere from 2-6 bowls a day (some of them split with friends) i took a break for a bit so i could get a job and started up again, and just stopped completely for a while. when i started again it was ok but then i got these symptoms and they are not a fun thing to go through, my body temp would drop dramatically, last night i tried taking one hit just to see what would happen, i felt uncomfortable and had the heart thing start up, its hard to describe the feeling.
over this time span i also smoked cigs and dipped (maybe this has somthing to do with it?) im not sure

i would just like to be able to smoke the best plant on the earth and enjoy it again without having this happen.

any ideas what could be causing this?

Thank you very much for replies and sorry once again i could not find a section for this.


Active Member
a friend of mine, he smokes it as well, and when other people use what i have they dont get the effects i do from it


youre not the only one man, after smoking for about 4 years and lovin it, i started getting anxiety attcks, i couldnt take a hit without thinking i was having a heart attack. i completely stopped smoking for like six months. now i just smoke a lil every now and then, just dont worry about it, its only anxiety maybe wait a little while longer before you start smoking agian


Active Member
do you think maybe running a mile every day would help? or maybe there is another way to lower it?, thanks for the replies


Well-Known Member
Also, its possible that what your smoking now is either Sativa or mostly sativa, I've heard of quite a few people having paranoia and panic attacks, if you can find some, try some indica, especially starting back out with zero tolerance as you are, which is going to intensify the effects as well....


Well-Known Member
have you ever done alot of x or acid or pop some pills? a former buddy of mine took some rolls and a few hits of acid and then went crazy (and driving the rest of the people there crazy too,lol) almost and had a real bad trip. We used to smoke as much bud as we possibley could as often as we could and he was fine, after that experience he could never smoke again pretty much, even a hit or 2 would make him get all paranoid and angry and etc.


Active Member
i know another guy i used to go through ill try soon, i never had any of the symptoms with his stuff, except when he brought out his "dro" he called, idk what it was.


Active Member
ive never done acid pills or anything, just beer, weed, and tobacco

the most bud i had at once was 2 4-5 gram blunts and a bowl shared with a couple ppl on 4-20


Well-Known Member
have you ever done alot of x or acid or pop some pills? a former buddy of mine took some rolls and a few hits of acid and then went crazy (and driving the rest of the people there crazy too,lol) almost and had a real bad trip. We used to smoke as much bud as we possibley could as often as we could and he was fine, after that experience he could never smoke again pretty much, even a hit or 2 would make him get all paranoid and angry and etc.
Obviously we'll never know for sure, buts possibly an effect of association...(see:Clockwork Orange) he now associates that part of the smell of weed that is near universal with the effects of a bad acid trip...


Well-Known Member
nah, we could smoke around him still just fine, he just didnt hit it and passed it to the next person when it would of been his hit if he had wanted to hit it.


Well-Known Member
well you could always try the reverse, depending how good a friend he is, ie get him a good hooker and some badass weed and see if you can't use positive association to help the guy out... †L† Yea, I'm sure it wouldn't work to, but I'm sure he would appreciate at least half of the test....


do you think maybe running a mile every day would help? or maybe there is another way to lower it?, thanks for the replies
sure what ever gives you peace of mind. thats what happened to me i got all paranoid about my health, first i thought there was somthing wrong with my heart and i even went to a cardiologist but after so long of stuggling with it, i figured its all just anxiety when smoking so i stopped and started trying to eat healthier and exerciseing more. just keep it off your mind anxiety causes alot of defferent symptoms thatll make you think you have a serious health problem but really its just all in your head.


Active Member
sure what ever gives you peace of mind. thats what happened to me i got all paranoid about my health, first i thought there was somthing wrong with my heart and i even went to a cardiologist but after so long of stuggling with it, i figured its all just anxiety when smoking so i stopped and started trying to eat healthier and exerciseing more. just keep it off your mind anxiety causes alot of defferent symptoms thatll make you think you have a serious health problem but really its just all in your head.
thanks for the advice, appreciate it, hopefully ill be back on hemp highway soon =)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
same thing happens to me man, its paranoia. i did some cid a while back and shrooms and it fucked me up. never be the ame again. ever since smoking the tiniest bit of fire made me feel like i was coming up again, not like flashback just nervous anxious feeling. i found i could aleviate it by having a beer before smoking, just chills you a bit.

the main reason your body is flipping out is cos your not topping up your thc levels like you used to when toking daily, your going from totally straight to blood full of thc and the reaction your feeling is your body adjusting. i thought i was goign loco too man.


Active Member
Ive experienced something very similar on several occasions. Ive been smoking for years, but looking back, there are times when I recall having anxiety issues after smoking. For me, it was due to two factors. One, it happened during times I was already stressed out in general or was having issues in my life. I would smoke and think about it and then get all wigged out. Second, after the medical marijuana thing took off and I was able to try all the different and specific strains, I found which ones affect my body more in various ways. And I found that certain strains created a body buzz with certain sensations that mimicked anxiety. I noticed this when I was relaxing in bed watching a movie and I hit some really good G13. I got a great body buzz off it(its still my favorite ever, smoking it right now) but noticed I felt nervous regardless. After that, Ive paid more attention to what kind of bud I get and Im aware of what it does to me, so I dont have anxiety issues with it anymore.


Well-Known Member
same thing happens to me man, its paranoia. i did some cid a while back and shrooms and it fucked me up. never be the ame again. ever since smoking the tiniest bit of fire made me feel like i was coming up again, not like flashback just nervous anxious feeling. i found i could aleviate it by having a beer before smoking, just chills you a bit.

the main reason your body is flipping out is cos your not topping up your thc levels like you used to when toking daily, your going from totally straight to blood full of thc and the reaction your feeling is your body adjusting. i thought i was goign loco too man.
yea, take it from the talking fish, your not crazy... †LOL† sorry, made me think of rue awakening....a really really old flick with cheech...


Well-Known Member
†LHAO† and as I recall the talking fish was always smoking some bad ass bud...Honestly, if I ever got so high I saw a pot smoking talking fish, I would breed that strain I was smoking for the rest of my days... :blsmoke: