smoking pot on a meatless diet.

haha thanks for the welcoming. good song. fuck i sounded hardcore pretentious. but i speak the true true so you can all suck my ass :blsmoke: why is everyone obsessed with meat though? you genuinely hate yourselves because youre eating a depressed, sick stressed out cows DNA and that's the message your cells are receiving.. :peace:

You have exceeded your allotment of anti-meat posts for 2018.

To Webber Grill rehab you go!
She don’t know we only suck MEATY ass here. Big ones.

Lookin at you, pulled pork sandwiches:


That’s what’s up.

Stop judging me and eat your fuckin tofurkey or whatever, don’t expect to win hearts and minds here with pseudoscience bullshit.

I like boca burgers, and that doesn’t make me a better person than anyone else. Say it out loud.

I actually do the spicy chicken ones are weirdly like fast food spicy chicken patties and you can cook them in the toaster like a boss so you don’t wake up your mom.