Smoking people out?


Well-Known Member
If you're already smoking people out, make some new friends.
Drive around, profile like a cop, and find some stoners.

Ask individuals, "Do you smoke?...Get in." And have a joint ready.

Make some new friends, maybe some of them will be BETTER friends :D


Well-Known Member
Dude I would smoke this Guy out everyday almost free for like 2 years and he wouldnt give me a cigarette when he had a new pack rite after I smoked him out.I called him a tight ass and everyday he had to watch everybody smoke but him.He told me fuck that ciggs are expensive and I was like you think this weed your smoking I cheap.


Active Member
i think friends should always help friends out (so long as they are trustworthy and you know they dont intend to fuck you over)
however as with most gift giving it is important for that friend to hit you back with some smoke.
a lot of you may have had bad experiences losing shit loads of weed, but to be honest so long as you have a good time with them it doesnt matter
i would rather be sharing my smoke being happy with others than smoking it alone in my room
but that just be the way i see it, as my friends give back, cant speak for everyone.


Active Member
hrm usually when I smoke people out they have some too. Usually thats the whole reason we get together, to compare weeds and mix them up. Maybe you need to find people who are more chronic
x2 or you smoke them out cause they're a really good friend who usually has it but has ran out and you know in return you'll either get smoked out by that person or you'll get smoked out and get some greenery in return as a gift:mrgreen: man I love my friendsbongsmilie