Smoking paraphernalia on a plane?


Well-Known Member
oh ya for sure i do it often just boil your pieces i woundt being them on the plane i put mine in my bag ang and wrap it in a twoelo you wont have any problmes sorruy for the ramble i missread tends to happen when im high what ican i say


Well-Known Member
just buy a new bong. take that if u have to, tell em its a prezzy for someone. if not then just buy a bong where u get to where ever ur going.

Marco Renda

Active Member
I have travelled all over Europe and back to Canada with my TY RooR bong. The last time I had the bong in it's cloth bag and was checked by security after it went through the xray and was able to take it onboard. The other time I travelled back with a TY RooR bong from Vienna to Canada and it was in a large wooden case. Both times I was allowed to take it onboard as 1 of my carryon luggage. Now I have to admit BOTH times the bong was CLEAN. I wouldn't travel anywhere with a dirty bong that's for sure.

Now on my last trip to Amsterdam for the HTCC I came back home with 3 used grinders and 7,000 packs of seeds. The seeds are still being held at Canada Customs as they need to see if I need any additional permits from Health Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Agricultural Canada as I already have a Business Identification Number for Import / Export.

Now back to the 3 used grinders, one of the customs agents said that I could be charged with importation because of the residue in the grinders. He asked me where the rest of the pot was and I told him IT'S AT HOME with all the rest of my mmj stash. In the end I got my 3 grinders back and NO CHARGES were laid. I am after all a licensed medical marijuana patient here in Canada

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Publisher & Editor in Chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal


Active Member
I have travelled all over Europe and back to Canada with my TY RooR bong. The last time I had the bong in it's cloth bag and was checked by security after it went through the xray and was able to take it onboard. The other time I travelled back with a TY RooR bong from Vienna to Canada and it was in a large wooden case. Both times I was allowed to take it onboard as 1 of my carryon luggage. Now I have to admit BOTH times the bong was CLEAN. I wouldn't travel anywhere with a dirty bong that's for sure.

Now on my last trip to Amsterdam for the HTCC I came back home with 3 used grinders and 7,000 packs of seeds. The seeds are still being held at Canada Customs as they need to see if I need any additional permits from Health Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Agricultural Canada as I already have a Business Identification Number for Import / Export.

Now back to the 3 used grinders, one of the customs agents said that I could be charged with importation because of the residue in the grinders. He asked me where the rest of the pot was and I told him IT'S AT HOME with all the rest of my mmj stash. In the end I got my 3 grinders back and NO CHARGES were laid. I am after all a licensed medical marijuana patient here in Canada

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Publisher & Editor in Chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal
Thank you very much for your answer.

It's funny how many people called me dumb for asking that question.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I'm amazed either one of you could get on the plane with those ball bearings you call balls clanking together going through security :)


Well-Known Member
Marijuana seeds can be baked and eaten and are very nutritious so I think only a few countries have them banned.

Travelling with bongs, rolling paper and grinders is legal. I'm bringing a full bag of those from amsterdam.



Active Member
either your mentaly slow or you dont have a tv and never heard of 911 you cant bring anything metalic on plane let alone a fucking lighter id say shove it up the ass but those dam dectors would make for an uncomfortable cavity search unless you had back surgery and have titanum riods you could get a hand held ceramic vaporizor i ram of weed even .5 would do and lighter could hid it up the booty as they make you take off your shoes at the airport and when the detctor goes off shem scars let them run the dector over you back your golden go the the bathroom on the plant put your grass in the vap and heat it up btw youd nbeed a high butane lighter fyi and get the smoke and when you blow it out put your head near the toilet and fluch and exhale at the same time ibet it would work but my advice is this stcik your paraphenilla in a bag ( make sure you biol it to remove any resin ) and stick your grass in your pocket or butt depending on amount and when you get off the plane your shit wil be waiting for you at baggage claim i have done this many a times as i fly frequntly or you could do the smartest dsafest thing SMOE BEFORE YOU GET TO THE AIRPORT DUH just a thought let me kwno what oyu thiknk
what the fuck?


Active Member
the guy apparently thought the word "smoking" in the thread title was a verb not an adjective

basically he thought the OP was intending to literally smoke paraphernalia on the plane.

I think he's a little slow :?
lol my guess is he just doesn't know what paraphernalia means and he assumed it's like a slang for weed or something lol