Smoking Marijuana Out Of A Hookah


Active Member
Hello All,
I have always been fascinated with hookahs and I don't smoke much pot, but I like using vaporizers and bongs. I want to buy a hookah and use if for smoking only weed out of it. I have read everywhere to mix it with shisha, but i HATE tobacco and refuse to. It's such a personal thing. I do know that shisha is mixed with molasses. Does anyone have any recipes on making a slow-roasting, flavored blend of weed mix that I can smoke in a hookah?
I was thinking of grinding the weed, mixing it with some molasses to moisten it up and then throwing in some mint leaves or fruit to add a little flavor.
Any suggestions/comments? Is this ridiculous?
Let me know
hash works better with a hookah using the charcoal and setting the hash on top.
I have used straight bud and a long lighter and it worked....not great but it worked alright for the 4 of us.


Active Member
Part of the attraction for me to using a hookah is the fact that the coal "causes the smoke" and I don't have to sit there with a lighter. Do you guys think that I would still be able to put the weed mixture in the bowl and the tin foil on top and then place the coal, just like smoking shisha?


Well-Known Member
sure. what will you use for coal what type of wood.I saw on nat geo in India they were using chunks of cow shit


Well-Known Member
i lived in the middle east for a year and smoked shisha all over. the best was in egypt, they like to put hash on top of the tobacco, this way of smoking is great. the hash slowly melts and mixes into the tobacco for a nice mellow relaxing buzz. whenever we put weed in it, i always thought it was a waste, never really got that high for the amount of weed we had to use and we tried many things mixing with tobacco, without, any combo you can imagine. if you have some hash smoke that, if you have the weed to waste then smoke that. either way it is fun. oh and if you wanna make the experience better get some dates and coconut milk for when you are smoking.


Active Member
I was just planning on using the typical charcoal used for hookahs. Or, i'm assuming there is. Every picture I've seen of a hookah being used has the same small, cylinder piece of coal so I will probably just buy some where I buy the hookah if I can.
If not, will any coal work?


Well-Known Member
You need the specific coal, really. But when I've smoked bud from a hookah i didn't use it traditionally. I just stuffed the bowl with a lot of ground bud and three of us used lighters at the same time to get a good cherry going. It was great, but we used too much weed for one session in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Buy the hookah coals. They're like a 1$ for 5. Ive used some regular street weed mixed with some homemade tobacco and it was great. Grind it up and just mix. Hash also works good but i think its kind of a waist, Besides who would want to cover up that wonderful hash taste!


Active Member
Okay, thanks guys. I am just trying to figure out how to make my mixture.
My cousin grows and I gave her the plants I started but didn't want so she owes me about 4 plants worth of weed. I need to buy a hookah. Glass is the best I've heard because the metal leaves a bad taste. My glass do they mean the whole thing is glass? Because all the ones I've seen have the glass vase but a stainless steel neck.

I think I'm going to grind up the weed, mix it with molasses (any suggestions on type?) and sprinkle mint leaves into the mix and try that out at first.


Active Member
Okay, so I've been reading and it looks like the best moistening agent would be to mix honey with vegetable glycerin. The only problem is that I don't know how much to use. I don't want completely drown the weed because I heard that adding a layer of molasses to the weed might hinder the THC from evaporating efficiently. I just need to cover it enough to make sure it slow cooks and doesn't burn too fast. Right? any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Damn. How far along were the plants when you gave them to her? Its kinda bunk when someone gives someone else a few seedlings or or some clones and expect a full plants worth of weed. It takes alot of work to get that thing harvested.

Now if you gave them to her a few weeks befor harvest and yu did most of the work then its cool.


Active Member
They weren't fully grown but not seedlings either. I started them in April and gave them to her in...June or July. I just didn't want them and gave them to her. She was the one who said that she'd give me the plants worth in weed XD. They don't need them, they have their grower cards here in Cali and last time I was over, they had about 30 plants in their backyard.

Will adding the honey and Mint ruin the weed experience? I'm not an avid smoker but I keep hearing people talk about the great weed taste. I cannot, for the life of me recall the taste that weed has..


Well-Known Member
The best way I've found is to grind up an 1/8 and mix it around with a bit of the Hookah tobacco stuff (I think it's called sheesha or something). Not so much of the hookah stuff that it's equal to or majority of the bowl, but just enough to incorporate into the pot. The idea is to make sure the weed doesn't get too hot and burns nice and slow. Making your own mix starting from scratch is great but it's much easier to just mix up some herb into what's already there. :D


Well-Known Member
OR you can just load up a fat wad of hash and not have to mix anything. It'll do the burning nice and slow thing all by it's self :D

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I think that no one here can read. Everyone of you almost has said to mix it with sheesha or tobacco. He explicitly said he hates tobacco and sheesha and doesn't wanna mix. Hence the entire reason of this thread. I think the work isnt worth it. Just stick with the Bong and Vape. So much better. Plus I doubt weed will burn when mixed with molasses. Your gonna end up wasting a lot of weed for almost no result. Hate to be a downer but this just isn't realistic.