smoking male plant


Well-Known Member
I would think that it would have to have some level of thc.
If it does it is very low.
Not enough to mess with.
Would probally just give you a headache.


Well-Known Member
dude none of these guys know what there talking about, the males have very high levels of thc, and get you ripped out of your mind. Dont listen to these dushes, they just are probably jeoulous of your male crop.


Active Member
hey im a first time grower and i grew seeds outside well i never checked on them and i must have had one male and it turned them all into males. six males. so its getting cold and i transplanted them into a house and im wondering if i will feel anything from it. they look amazing just a little skinny but they smell f-ing awesome


Active Member
hey im a first time grower and i grew seeds outside well i never checked on them and i must have had one male and it turned them all into males. six males. so its getting cold and i transplanted them into a house and im wondering if i will feel anything from it. they look amazing just a little skinny but they smell f-ing awesome
ugh where to start, :confused:
1. males can't convert other plants in to males, they do fertilize female plants causing the buds of the female plant to be filled with seeds.
2 Males taste horrible and dont produce THC (if they do its not enough to get stoned).

Throw that shit away and start again.


Active Member
i need some more advise please about my male plants that smell amazing and look nice for males. i need to know if theres anything i can do theres about a half to an ounce on each one and there about 3 1/2 feet tall. i need advise please help!!!! i dont want to cut them down ive been growing them all summer


Well-Known Member
i need some more advise please about my male plants that smell amazing and look nice for males. i need to know if theres anything i can do theres about a half to an ounce on each one and there about 3 1/2 feet tall. i need advise please help!!!! i dont want to cut them down ive been growing them all summer
half to an ounce of what?
fan leaves?
pollen sacs?


Active Member
yeah lets see some pics, are you sure they are male? if they are i'd just get rid of them, and im pretty sure everyone on here will tell you the same thing,

he should've got at least a girl or two out of 6 plants should'nt he?


Active Member
there is alot of pollen sacs on it what do i do. dry them and see if any thing happens
No More advice to give you chief
Pollen sacks= Male
male = shitty taste, no buzz

You failed, happens to a lot of people, try again.
Rig up an indoor setup using the advice in some of the other posts.