Smoking herbs?


Well-Known Member
there was something for dreams that ANC told me about before. it sounded fuckin amazing. was it the kirki root? i havent tried it yet but still really really want to.


Well-Known Member
Hey Stoners and Highers . I smoked from Synthetic to Organic shit before and I tell you most bullshit you get on line is trash . Get the good and 100% organic Highs from my site to get very nice Psychedelic Orange Dutch Mix and more .
Have fun there dudes . ^_^
sorry I know were to get all my stuff... just looking for peoples suggested herbs


Active Member
hey DARTHD3vl. How did the passion flower go along. I have been having sucess with the leaves...u should grow a vine though


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke clove ciggs, but cloves are super bad for your lungs, they can cause bleeding... they do taste decent though, spicy