Smoking Habits

love the effects of concentrates.. but i totally prefer smoking joints.
have a nice pipe and bong, but they never get used. and i've never found a good vape (not tried those luxury high class ones though :oops: )
also never had edibles do anything worthwhile for me (yes i've tried many.. i believe there's people who it just doesn't effect)

i'm bummed zigzag prices have gone up recently though (went from $26 to $40 a carton here.. ouch!) damn gov getting prepared for extra tax of pot smokers since many tobacco smokers are quitting.. swear that's a part of legalization, they lost a tonne as they continually raise smoke prices.
In this order:
Coconut oil pills (various blends, some for specific things like migraines)
Vape (flowers)
Pipe (flowers cautiously, lungs are getting old)

Not much into the concentrates as they get me too f'd up. I take regular tolerance breaks so smoking concentrates get me to the point of non-functional. If I want that, I smoke my finger hash out of a pipe for the taste, at night when I'm not going out again. Always have a jar of finger hash around as I run perpetual harvests and very frosty strains :)

I can't medicate through the day during the week as I run a tech company and need to be needle sharp when dealing with my work or customers. But I can take low dosage MJ pills which don't get me high but still have some medicinal effects like taking care of joint/muscle pains or migraines. Higher dosage pills and vaping/smoking happens after 4:20 which is quitting time unless I'm on the road :)
When i started i would smoke black hash only...the old Afghan Gold Seal joints and bowls, but mostly hot knives cause 20 bux for a two chip was a expensive for a teen in the 80s. Lol

When that dried up started smoking that greasy, black/green pot oil. Joints... me and my gang invented the "zixxer". We brought it to Ont in the early 90s, but it appears it didnt catch

It was only later in life that i got to rollin flowers. That has since given way to my Pax 2. And i pipe up my dry ice keif. That shit is golden. Literally. Lol

Except Friday nights thats flower gagger night. Boys still roll em as thick as your finger....

Recently ive been making cookies. But that is like russian roullete on the first one of ever new batch. Hahahah
A good quality hash is my first choice always. It can only be a treat for me now and then because I cannot afford to go through4-5 grams a day like I used to. Too many years of 1/2g hot knives has spoiled my lungs, so I cannot even smoke weed unless I have some tobacco in it. I have a real hankering to make some resin but I have to avoid cough-lock because it seriously antagonizes my spasticity (MS muscle clenching). Weed is quite economical for me, especially now that I am growing it myself. And of course there are edibles, 3 cookies a day keeps the doctor away. LOL