Smoking girls out


anyways, getting back to smoking out chicks, I don't really mind at all, I enjoy the company. actually, I have no problem smoking out anyone in general. I'll smoke out strangers if they want to burn.

the only people I don't care to smoke out are the people who just take you for granted cause you got weed and the people who are ungrateful and unappreciative. but those people are easy too spot...

but I like smoking out chicks. the hotter the better :cool: hahaha
Same here brothaa! I dont mind burnin' people out because if i was in there situation i'd hope someone would bump me a lump to get my head right! haha.
BUT the hotter the better indeeed!!


Active Member
I'm tired of it lol. If you want to smoke then buy your own bud damnit, or atleast throw in some every once in a while
You're preaching to the quire man. Fuck, my two besties are girls, when was the last time they actually put in on weed? Can't even remember...


Well-Known Member
I think I go about things fairly. Currently everyone buys what they're buying, one person will go pick up and for every j the responsibility falls to someone else in turn. I used to feel paranoid my ex boyfriend thought I only went out with him for the excellent pot (it was just a bonus) but I refused to take anything for free in return for 'other favours'. I hear alot of bitching about Weed Whores and I just think it's sad, not hot, that the bitch tripped you for MJ again. To be completely honest though, weed can make me incredibly frisky.


Well-Known Member
i dont mind, but you gatta set them straight sometimes. i'd smoke with this girl sometimes and throw her some and she started asking for shells and i'd give em to her but i put a stop to that cause them shits aint cheap.


My girlfriend's roomate asked me to smoke her out yesterday. I'm broke and fed up so i told her she could smoke my cock...we are currently not speaking terms...but i just smoked twice of what i would have, so i could give two shits