smoking games


Well-Known Member
so i was smoking a blunt and my buddies mom was telling me about a smoking game they used to play and it made me think of all the smoking games i can think of. if you have any, feel free to add them.

Stripchoker, everytime you cough, you take off an article of clothing.

memory, you have at least 5 people and a good amount of bud. make a circle and put one person on the inside, the person hits the pipe and passes it to a player of there choosing, after that player hits the pipe, the pipe is given back to the one inside person. she hits it again and then chooses another player to pass it to, and after they hit it its given back. this goes on as long as the person inside can remember who to pass it to without skipping anyone.

:the catch: the pass has to be random; you can NOT pass is clockwise or counter-clockwise.

whoever gets skipped gets to go inside and you repeat. *warning* person in the middle gets really high.

BONGpong, while either using 6-12 bongs, (you can use cups and each cup represents a bowl) same rules as beer pong, after each game, play does not begin until all the bowls are smoked.

movieEVENTS, chose words, phrases, or actions in tv shows and movies to takes hits to everytime the action is committed: example : take a hit everytime bart rides his skateboard, take a hit everytime bender drinks alcohol:

thats all i can think of, if you guys know of any, lets hear them.

the hashshasher

Active Member
ive sed it b4 on this forum but redline aka boston, u just have a blunt, joint, pipe, or whatever and u pass it in rotation but u only take 1 hit and u hold it in till it gets back to if u, if u r unable to hold it in then u r out of the game and u play til this 1 person left or till it done. i ussually just play when we dont have much weed left
Haha once my friend greened out and broke my bong while we were playing redline with like eight people. (people call that game baseball were I'm from)


Well-Known Member
ive sed it b4 on this forum but redline aka boston, u just have a blunt, joint, pipe, or whatever and u pass it in rotation but u only take 1 hit and u hold it in till it gets back to if u, if u r unable to hold it in then u r out of the game and u play til this 1 person left or till it done. i ussually just play when we dont have much weed left
We call that little indian around here... u gotta hold the hit until it gets back to you or you're cut for that rotation.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is familiar with the drinking game 7's... where you deal out an entire deck to however many people, put all the 7 cards lined up on the table, and everyone takes turns putting their cards in numerical order starting from 7 or counting down from 7. However many spaces of cards you put down, is how many drinks or hits you tell anyone at random to take. If you don't have anything that can go in numerical order, you have to take as many drinks or hits as how many cards you missed.

if this is the current row of 7 and you lets say have a 10, nothing better that can be in order from 8 or 3.
4 5 6 7 8

You put down your 10 where it WOULD go, and take however many drinks or hits you missed. In this case, you would take 2

4 5 6 7 8 [] [] 10

(the []'s are blank spaces for cards)

I played this game with bong hits of hash, for two games. Got so high it became uncomfortable and my skin was crawling lol. Ate a bag of popcorn and was good for 2 more games.

Greatest drinking smoking game ever. It's made to get people fucking tard.