smoking freash wet bud is it a good taste of whats to come?


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint: i wanted to sample my new strain its fat budded but not ready but i wanted to know if i wanted to try it, i know it will be harsh and will not smell or taste anything like what i would get if i let it ripe dry and cure, BUT would it give me a good idea of what the high will be like? well i guess also it depends of how far along he trics are i guess i just answered my own question but non the less anyone try it with ok results?:wall:


I harvested my chronic plant yesterday. I made a box and everything to let it cure, so i just had to have a little sample. Im not an everyday smoker, just occaisionally :]
I had 3 bongs of one nug, about 2X2 inches, it lasted 3 bongs! :L (small bong, not huge :|) It was a lil harsh, but a drink cures that :] I got stoned.
Not as smooth as dry, also it took the piss to burn but wants it is strting to burn u hear like the crackle of the moisture, this is rather a thrilling experiance like the pop rocks when we were younger :D