How about I make it clearer. Trimming fan leaves to increase yield is urban myth and utter bullshit. Now do you know what it is all about?
O.K., this one stopped me in my tracks! I'm not about to take the word of "poster #42" OR some "copy writer". So....l contact my
"go to" guy, Gerrit, at Magus seeds. For me, he is the "final" authority. I have included my emailed question to him & his respnse on this subject:
Gary Wyatt to Magus
show details 4:45 PM (17 hours ago)
Hi Gerrit, Gary Wyatt here, (we spoke about pollination several months ago).
Here's the situation, we're having a HUGE dust-up over "Fan Leaves", in my cannabis forum.
Seems we are split 50/50 over the removal of some fan leaves on vegging plants, to get additional light to the inner nodes.
You would be the only "expert" that I have contact with, so I'm hoping you could shed some light on this subject. I have been selectively removing large lower fan's from my "LA Woman", and see great inner development, but others say that I'm ruining my plant by removing her "solar panels". So now, I'm quite confused! If you have any info on this, PLEASE share, thanks in advance,
Gary Wyatt
And his answer: <
[email protected]>
toGary Wyatt <
[email protected]>
dateFri, Aug 6, 2010 at 2:11 AM
subjectRE: Gerrit, HELP Please!!
hide details 2:11 AM (8 hours ago)
Hello Gary,
How are you, all well I hope.
I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you again as I'm not a supporter of removing fan leaves either (especially during veg)
Consider this, which parts of the plant are the most productive and give the best buds, are those the inner parts/nodes? (no)
So what you are doing by removing the fan leaves, is taking away energy from the best parts to benefit the weaker/smaller parts.
Seems contra productive to me.
It's much better (i.m.o.) to remove the lower small sprouts/twigs that are covered by the fan leaves so they don't act as a "leach".
This will result in more/bigger grade A buds and less trim (work).
I think you will get my point with the above but if you still have doubts I could try to illustrate with some pictures or diagram (would take me some time though)
Kind regards,
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So.....I am WRONG and full of bullshit and guilty of spreading "misinformation" to the group, and for this I am sorry.....BB