oh for crying out loud people! this is the "spirituality & *SEXUALITY* & philosophy" section of the site. its not a "too much info" thing. its a discussion about how to increase sexual pleasure through the use of cannabis. but i guess if the topic is a little too mature for you.....
i've never toked and got off at the same time...lol. but its an interesting idea

i usually toke first...get off 2nd...sleep 3rd haha. does anyone else get what i call "tactile vision" or "sensual vision"? with the right kind of bud, white widow was good for this...i get a buzz that causes me to "feel" what i see. so if im watching a show on tv, and a person touches another person, depending on which viewpoint im focusing on, i'll either feel like i touched the person on the tv, or like they touched me. its pretty interesting...now think about watching porn with that type of a buzz

it sometimes feels like im *in* the movie haahaha