smokin sprouts


Well-Known Member
ok so i fell asleep yesterday and when i woke up it was poring rain so i ran outside and got my 2 and a half week plants "pretty big for age" and one was pretty much totalled... i think it has a chance but can you smoke something like this lol i wanna try it but i would rather just know... it smells has 6 leaves and has white shit on it... i havnt smoked in like a week so it would be nice... haha let me know


Well-Known Member
It will probably live even if every leaf was knocked off and just a stick was left. And white shit on it at that age is probably just that, white shit from bugs, usually spider mites. Spray your others if this is the case.

Anyway yes if you smoke the whole thing you will probably get high once. It's going to be harsh, use a bong.


New Member
I accidently killed a sprout and smoked it. Not pleasant, no high, not like I expected one. Go ahead and try it, can't really hurt ya.


Well-Known Member
i dont think ittl get u high at all,if its a sprout it prolly isnt even flowering yet,and unless its flowering i dont think there will be any THC in it


Well-Known Member
my plants are having a rough as 24 hours shit shits shit

just went to go get my plants after there day in the sun and some fuckin creature turned my 10 leafed plant into a fuckin 3 leafed plant..... whyd he have to eat my best plant when theres a yummy scrub right next to it.... will it survive... ive heard this might make my plant bigger and stronger.... shit ima go camp outside tomorrow and pop me a fuckin creature.... im so pissed it almost brought me to tears.. haha no joke this sucks ass...


Well-Known Member
Get bug spray good for vegetables and spray the hell out of them all the time. Bugs won't like it any more.


Well-Known Member
but will it survive i loved that thing it was my child... i think it was like a rabbit or some shit cuz it was takin down to a nub at the branches