Smokin' in Michigan LEGALIZE EVERYWHERE!

Hey Stoners,
I just registered with Rollitup. I've been reading alot of threads on here for a long time and figured I should register. I'm a smoker/grower in Michigan. I've been growing for the last 4 years. I'm also an activist in the Cannabis community. I have 2 youtube channels. One is my personal, and the other is a new one deticated to Marijuana and the Marijuana lifestyle (somggin420). I also highly highly recommend another Cannabis activist in NorCal. His name is Nay. You can find him on youtube (trendyasdabbers) and on If you have any questions or wanna chat, hit me up.
Happy 420 LEGALIZE EVERYWHERE! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hey Smoggin, I too am new to the site and have read a few of the threads. Other than the occasional ass clown this site is extremely useful to me since I am on my first grow. Wish me luck, and what kind of strains you running right now? Lets hear about your endeavors.