Smokin ganja and meditating?


Active Member
been doing it recently. and try getting high and listening to Osho on youtube. he's this Indian guru who has some sick meditating techniques. as in active meditation. anyones view on this? idk i feel like its extraordinary. it blows my mind everytime haha. but yea im high so anyone else do this?


Active Member
Your not on your own although I wouldn't be taking anyone else's advice on meditating, daydreaming is meditating so just daydream with your eyes closed and don't let your mind race around. :D If your after the sublime visual conscious experience then smoke some DMT or else your gonna be a long time trying.

P.s I haven't smoked DMT. (yet)


Well-Known Member
I love to smoke and meditate love guided meditation myself great stuff nothing better than smoking a bowl and meditating truly amazing stuff

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Smoking a good reefer and getting absorbed into your own thoughts is a good thing. It gives a person a chance to unwind and sort out some important stuff in like planning your next move. This taking time to think thing that pot causes a person to do actually saves you from doing things without properly thinking them out, so it's a good thing. Pot has a way of making it so you can't think too. So maybe after you come down a bit maybe you should reavaluate some of your thinking.