Smokey's At It Again!!! GDP 36 Site Aeroflo


Wonderful, looking real good. New to this myself but with your given detail I can probably pull it off!!! Thanks. Currently working on 4 outdoor just to get a feel for it, but eventually wish to create a room.


Well-Known Member
Wonderful, looking real good. New to this myself but with your given detail I can probably pull it off!!! Thanks. Currently working on 4 outdoor just to get a feel for it, but eventually wish to create a room.
if you have any questions feel free to ask.

i fuckin passed out last night without closing my tent..they got som extra light..:wall:
its funny..everytime i smoke weed i become useless..i have to quit again today. thank god for king krypto!!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Thats bad ass man.. How was the taste? Yeah i figured im gonna try and save a half O from every crop for future reasons to.. Reserves and what not...


if you have any questions feel free to ask.

i fuckin passed out last night without closing my tent..they got som extra light..:wall:
its funny..everytime i smoke weed i become useless..i have to quit again today. thank god for king krypto!!
Thanks I appreciate that! Right now everything seems to be going good. 1 plant is dominating the others....I think it gets about an hour more of direct sunlight, can't trim anymore or it would be to low and expose my plants. I have them set up like so

+ +

I was going to try something...pulling them all together in the middle and anchoring them to a steak in the ground. I figure this will help with two things. 1) I will be able to get them lower to the ground to help create less exposer to outsiders. 2) The way the shading is currently it will draw them more into the light and expose more of the plants themselves to light. I assume they will just grow up from each stem instead of out. Do you think this would work? Or should I alter anything?

I would end up like this (= being shading)

+ +

They would all tie down to * the steak....the sun is mostly blocked by the shading because of the proximity to it. This would draw them low and out towards more time in the sun! FUN IN THE SUN!


Well-Known Member
you can tie the tops down, and try to keep them low like ground cover. ive seen something on youtube like that..and the dude was growing with indirect sunlight..worked well for him.


Active Member
Damn those look nice gonna be huge again it looks like though. You taking cuts or you got a mother nice plants for cure thats for sure

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Nice nice man! Cant wait to see some fat gdp nugs.. Ill probably be starting my journal in a couple weeks.. Started my plants but had some problems with my water pump and lost some seedings and the ones that survived were stunted but they all seem to be taking off now.. Im also doing some autoflowers in the top of my cab.. Gonna see how those go..


Well-Known Member
Looking amazing, can't wait to see this grow! Smokey, read a lot of your threads learned a lot. Thanks.