Smokefrogg's Lil Apartment Grow - 250 hps


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if you want something done right...

i guess you got to do it yourself

way back at the end of 2009 i had ordered some seeds, lowryder #2 and some others, here's the blog post about it:

the plan was to take half of the seeds for myself, half for a caregiver

the caregiver was going to pollenate, and make a bunch of lowryder #2 seeds that would later be used for breeding stock experimentation and several small urban guerilla grows

the other day i visited the caregiver, "oh i have seeds for you, the lowryder seeds!"

"hooray! finally!" i thought

"here they are, there's one set that is true afghani x lowryder #2, and another that is mystery afghani x lowryder #2!" she tells me

"ooooooh....i see.......did you cross the male lowryder #2 back with a female lowryder #2, remember, like the plan, the whole reason i bought these seeds and gave them to you in the first place?" i say as i begin to slowly *facepalm*

they reply, "this will be better! the afghani is so big and giant, crossed with the lowryder #2 it's going to be perfect!!"

i then begin to attempt to explain how this is going to be a lot of work now to work with the genetics and get 100% reliable auto flowering out of it, i go on to explain how only a percentage will most likely autoflower, i will then need to pick the ones out that do and cross them back with each other, likely a few times over, in order to really get that autoflower trait to be consistent again, just as it was persistent in the pure lowryder #2 that i originally gave them. eyes begin to glaze over with the older caregiver friend, she is awesome and i love her, but she isn't getting what i'm saying, comprehension and attention is lacking sometimes in this one, she is nearing her 60's and has been there done that over and over again, i forget that it takes a lot more for something to truly sink in with her if it's on a technical level at all.

all of that aside, clearly stating, "we need pure lowryder #2 seeds. cross a male lowryder #2 with a female lowryder #2 and let me have a portion of the seeds" seemed clear enough to me, i am frustrated but have to forgive her. i will see what comes out of these afghani x lowryder #2 seeds, but i fear it is too late now for my urban guerilla growing plans with a good stockpile of pure lowryder #2 genetics. i am going to fall back to plan b now, which is placing hardened clones of non autoflowering genetics out late in the season so that they don't get too large. the lowryder #2 attempts will now have to wait another year at this point, i will try again, i will do this myself. i need to construct a space to make it happen, a space separate from my normal flowering cabinet, we don't want to accidentally seed all my flowering little babies!


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haven't updated here in awhile, here's more!

thai, blue dream, and family update - july 6 2010

lagging on the updates, here are pics from 2 days ago

here is the thai mother kept in her tiny veg box

her neighbors, a struggling og, bubba, greencrack from bagseed, a thai clone, and a blue dream clone

the following are all in the flowering cabinet

some young thai, blue dream, and a myster-e plant

a closeup of the most mature blue dream's buds

they came from this blue dream, an oaksterdam cut, it will be ready soon, flushed for almost 2 weeks so far


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beercup blue dream, chop time - july 11 2010

this is the first of the beercup plants i'm harvesting, it is a blue dream that has tons of amber trichomes, pistils are starting to pull back into the calyxes, calyxes swelling, it is 4 days shy of 8 weeks old



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beercup challenge, mystery afghani x lowryder #2 - july 12 2010

we're joining the ***** forums BEER CUP CHALLENGE!

i am testing a mystery afghani female crossed with a low ryder #2 male, only 4 of the seeds appear viable and i planned on planting 4 at most so this is perfect

here's hoping for autoflower traits in a male and a female!!

i'm trying a bit of fine coco dust mixed with fox farms ocean forest, i really shouldn't be using ocean forest for seedlings as i have burned some sensitive seedlings before with it, but we don't have enough time to get to the hydro shop and back before the flowering cabinet goes to lights out time, c'est la vie! let's see what happens, i don't know about this coco fine dust, it seems like this mix could get far too dense, c'est la vie some more! lastly, each of the 16oz. plastic beercups have 4 holes drilled in the bottom for drainage

here is their new home for now, once their larger neighbor gets out of the way we'll rearrange

we'll end with a group shot, it's almost lights out time, goodnight girls!


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sunshine systems glowpanel45 + 250watt hps - thai @ 81 days - july 14, 2010

i just got a glowpanel 45 by sunshine systems in the mail!

i don't know about their "compares to a 250watt hps!" claims, or the "covers 5 square feet!" claims either, but this seemed like the best budget panel to do the job for the money, the other panel i was considering was the bloomboss 45

the leds on this thing are so much larger than the cheapy ebay panel i bought a few months back, this thing seems built a lot sturdier too, the leds are huge and fricking bright! the cheap panel is completely outshined by the sunshine systems panel

i rigged the panel up to hang off of my 250watt hps light at an angle, i may adjust a bit later, raise it, angle it more, etc., this thing is pretty awesome looking and incredibly bright, my eyes think it will do a good job supplementing the hps, we shall see, it was $130.-- u.s.



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for a comparison of sorts, here is the small veg box and it's cheapy ebay ledwholesalers panel, this panel was $39 if i remember correctly...the far right row of leds is no longer functioning btw


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world of seeds thai @ 82 days white pistils all over, blue dream @ 33 days frosty, mystery bagseed @ 56 days lovin' the led! - july 15, 2010

from everyone i have talked to, and everything i have read, i keep hearing about long flowering sativas having a secondary flowering growth spurt of white pistils and that that is indicator that it is getting very ripe and almost ready. what do you think? is that just a bunch of baloney, or maybe have you personally witnessed it yourself and are certain that it is in fact, or isn't, an indicator?

i think it is, it coincides with everything else happening right now in this thai, i started her back in march, 03/24/2010 she popped out of the ground and i've pampered her quite a bit as well as put her through quite a bit in the space of so many months. she's been good and very easy to clone, and make clones off that clone, and makes clones off that, etc. etc. etc. et looks like her time is coming, very very soon, maybe i'll chop her this weekend @ 84 days, which happens to be 12 weeks (the world of seeds packaging for this wild thai from the ko' chang province says 12 weeks, maybe world of seeds is right on?) ...i am considering maybe letting her go for 13 weeks though hmmmm =)

another possibility is to harvest a few branches this weekend, and the rest next, we'll see how i feel after my coffee and a bowl this saturday morning

enough talking, here are some pictures!

this sunshine systems glowpanel 45 led seems like it's helping the plants out, i will rotate often and have rotated the thai today so that some of the biggest colas are right up on it within an inch!

yes these plants are in fact raving now, and raving quite hard indeed

alas all raving must come to an end one time or another, and now is that time, goodnight girls!

the following pictures are taken within the first 5 minutes of lights out time ZZZZzzzz.....

one happy familia!


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these special little thai and blue dream plants are very fortunate to happen to live so close to the glowpanel's new home =)

beer cups aren't just for challenges on forums! they also work great for limited space personal growers such as my own!

the myster-e bag seed plant! @ 56 days, not sure what at all this is, if you think you might know feel free to chime in! looks and smells great to me, can't wait to give it a go, it's got a few more weeks to go imho

lastly, here is a shot of a blue dream @ 33 days, getting real frosty! this is the oaksterdam cut, i have a mother that'll keep me going and going, thank you oaksterdam, it was worth the $15 donation :)


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massive 5 gram blue dream beer cup harvest!! - july 17, 2010

this plant was my first to ever live out it's entire life in a 16oz. beer cup, yield definitely needs to be worked on, lovely smoke though



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thai's new white pistils - july 17, 2010

here is a shot of one of the thai pieces of bud, it was snipped off the main cola near the top

notice how the bottom has the older hairs that are beginning to recede, the top has fresh white hairs that popped up this week

we are at 12 weeks flowering with the thai today


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92 day thai, seed close up - july 25, 2010

hoping for more...hopefully not too many more though!

here's a couple of the rest of the plant



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thai @ 98 days, afghan x lowryder #2 beer cup challenge - july 31, 2010

here are some pictures of the world of seeds wild thai, it is at 14 weeks into flowering today!

several beer cup plants going

the tallest is a myster-e bag seed, going into 11 weeks flowering


Active Member
the myster-e plant's neighbors are 2 thai plants, the one to the left was put into the flowering chamber today

lastly we have 1 acapulco gold from bagseed on the left, and a columbian gold from world of seeds on the right; these were both popped into the flowering chamber while they are tiny, they each have a sister of the same age that will hang out in the vegetating chamber for awhile, possibly to be mothers


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@LAtoNC - you can get the thai from many different seed vendor sites, the seed bank name is "world of seeds", google will show you the way!


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im not into the growing thing but ive been lookin for good prices
ahh, i see what you're getting at

sorry, this is a california compliant medical grow that is supposed to help me stop spending money on this herbal medicine

if you do end up getting curious and want to grow your own thai, i'd love to follow along. finding this stuff in the dispensaries out west will prove to be a challenge, much better to just work on making your own happen imho


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smokefrogg's little cabinet - thai, blue dream, afghan x lowyrder #2 - august 04, 2010

myster-e plant is the tall one @ 76 days flowering, thai is the short one

beer cup thai, afghan x lowryder #2 leaning, myster-e bagseed plant

the thai @ 102 days flowering


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here's some afghan lowryder #2 shots, all at 17~18 days since they popped out of the soil

this one must've had the purple drank, it's got that LEEEAN!


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afghan x lowryder #2 pistils @ 21 days old - august 7, 2010

we have pistils beginning to show!

we are trying defoliation on 1 of these girls too! i couldn't dig up much details about auto flowering plants and defoliating, what better way to find out than to give it a try right?

before defoliation

after defoliation...yes i could get rid of those lower leaves, i see no point in it though, they aren't blocking the light to anything and are just hanging out at the bottom catching light that'd otherwise hit the dirt and ground. i haven't done too many plants with fat indica type leaves, i've been doing mostly sativas since i started defoliating, i feel like defoliation would help even more with fat leaf girls, just letting that light through to the potential bud sites!