smoked out of pipe and pupils went crazy then freaked out


I found my old pipe and was like cool i love wooden pipes . I smoked out of it and got 2 small hits out of it and they tasted like rubber and laundry sheets(that part is from it being in laundry room probably). Then i looked in mirror like 15 mins later because i got something in my eye and my pupils got small and big really fast and i was seeing things a few mins before i looked(black shadows) . What drug was in there other then weed? Also i freaked out and thought i was dying for about 30 mins to a hour (not sure i was outside but it was short) then felt the normal weed high. If it helps i used to do other drugs and live with someone who im suspecting does and hes always in the Landry room.
Sounds like crack or meth to me. You crack head. LoL.

definetly not crack a crack high is pretty much gone after 5 minutes I don't know about meth either I never tried it but I've heard it lasts lke 3 days but its possible since you only took 2 hits and it was just left over resin. I would just ask the dude if he used it and for what.
Unless you smoked something other than marijuana out of it than it was a placebo, panic attack. Your pupils normally under go miosis and dilation depending on the amount of light they're exposed to (i.e. entering a brightly lit bathroom compared to a dark hallway).
Just a suggestion..

Perhaps cleaning the used drug pipe you found on the ground PRIOR to actually using it may be a good idea.

Just my thinking..

when I was in high school,a buddy of mine and me got caught burning a bowl in the arc welding booth,at the vocational school and was taking to the office, as the super attendent was chewing are asses off, I remember looking up at the ceiling tiles watching the holes float down until there were right in front of my face,cause I was high as f*** and when it was over my buddy told me that my pupils did exactly as austny12 described went from a little red to fully blood shot and back to normal but still red,maybe it was the high and then the getting busted then waiting for phone call to the parents to tell them what a wonderfull fxxxxxx son they have. it was my pipe, I packed the bowl the morning of the event, so I know there was nothing extra in the bowl
Sounds like it was Extra-Strength™ placebo ... cn

Well it wasn't technically a placebo if the OP had smoked out of it I guess. If the pipe had a lot of resin built up in it than any residual THC could've degraded into CBG, which has high binding affinity to the α2-adrenergic receptor. This might in turn help facilate a "freak out".
it's your old pipe and you don't know what you smoked out of it before today? sounds kind of odd to me as i know exactly what i smoked out of each piece i own..
Do you not smoke weed often? Maybe you just got high. and the pupils were because of lighting
he denys it but i found a sandy looking powder in backyard with white rocks still have it under carpet next to bark so im sure it wasn't sand.
Definitely sounds like JWH to me my friend. AKA synthetic marijuana. I (very stupidly) used to smoke the stuff every day. Experiences like this are very common especially if you have an potent kind. and 30 minutes is almost always the duration of the high. You should be okay. And plus the stuff tastes alot like rubber/chemicals.