Smoked my hermie today....


Active Member
I had to chop it 4 days ago, barely 3 weeks into flower. It was 18 grams after hanging. It barely had any trichs that I could see when I chopped and it smells like hay (i researched and found out why).
Anyway, I sampled a nugget and it tasted better than I thought it would through my vapor genie. Got about 4 good vapes and I didn't expect to get high at all, but boy am I surprised. This came from bagseed and I don't remember this hard of a upbeat headbuzz from anything I have bought!
Now hopefully a month cure will bring the smell back once the clorophyl is gone.


Well-Known Member
I've got a plant that's popping out bananas. Don't know whether to kill it, or pluck 'em off or what. Glad to hear it got you high though.


Active Member
I tried plucking them. Too hard to see between the buds. After the second one dropped pollen, I pulled it. I was surprised to get high. Especially a headbuzz like that. I was thinking about making an arthritis creme, but there's not really enough.
I was also surprised with the weight. The buds were still pretty fluffy with the short time in flower.


Had a chemdawg hermie on me once and decided to chop and cure, it was surprisingly OK. Ran wax with it, didn't yield much but was still killer.