Smoke Two Joints (and Eight Bong Rips)


Well-Known Member
Holy crapola!
I got sloppy-stoned trying to get this recorded in a short time!
Huge bong rip of Matanuska Thunderfuck right before starting each attempt.
Eight attempts to get it even this close.
I am so baked!
Anyways, it's sloppy, but, hey, I only played it about 20 times in my life, right befoe trying to record it, and my fingers are old and decrepit and happily stoned on primo bud grown in my garden by me, thanks to all my homies over in Club 600 who helped me become a better grower through the years!
This one's for you!!

Thanks, Don :-)
I know I'm a sloppy player, but I'm working on getting my hands & fingers back in shape.
That damn camera really throws the balance off on my bass, so I have to split my attention between playing and not letting it slip out of my grip or twist away at the wrong time.
My bass weights 13-lbs (6 kilos), and the counter-weights bring up to 20-lbs (9 kilos), so it's a real wrestling match after blazing a bunch of bowls in a row ;-)
Next year I'm going to get a really small & light camera to do this stuff with, and make a very light weight mounting system (kind of clunky right now).
Anyway, more vids to come, hopefully better performed, too ;-)
Thanks for watching!
hahah dude my repertoire of instruments includes the spoons, a comb and paper and the infamous arse flute. get to banging out some primus, that'll sharpen those fingers man.