1000ml is over £30, OMG! Way out of my price range! Thats the government taxing the fuck out of it. Legal mafia wants the cut lol
I`m pretty sure I read how it was ment to be used. You don`t suck the flame in but rather suck a stream of hot air from the flame. How to describe... So firstly you have the bottle neck as a ` = ` with the flame in front of it becoming ` = | ` then you start inhaling and bring it to a ` = ( ` and finally ` = ¬ `

(the "diagram" works if your lighter flame is big) You can really see when it starts to work from the vapour but it would propably burn it if the flame goes straight in at first.
When I was doing it my thinking was that the flame starts very gentle and the DMT starts melting and trickles down the stopper as your sucking, hence further away from the flame so you start upping the temperature by bringing the flame closer always keeping an eye on the vapour flow too.
The thing is, I can`t see how a torch flame can be bent and pulled as nicely as a normal flame while doing this. But if the guys on Nexus are heating up the bottle neck then that might be their reason of choice?
You get the idea anyway

Give it another go sometime and it might win your heart