Smoke and bet, for FREE!


Active Member
Whats up everyone! I have been pretty much been lurking around here for a while, learning as much as I can (much thanks everyone!). So I figured I would try to give back the best I could. This site ROCKS! You bet on sports FOR FREE! I am addicted, and hope you guys win lots of money since I have yet to! Good luck with your growing and betting! Needless to say so far I a better grower than bettor as I only have .0003 to bet with. Anyways, enjoy! :peace: The more friends you have sign up, you can win .05% more! lol


Active Member
By the way, umm, the part about free smoke is of course only after you have grown it. Little high at the moment so I apologize about the sloppyness of my first thread, lol.