The big bad wolf got jarred up today, uncured test smoke proves her to be true to her chem dog liniage, strong chem taste, heavy choker smoke good body high, think shes gonna be real nice once she cures

Tore down the SLV xLVTK cross thursday she this one got a heavy dose of the haze genes, strong lemon nose, rounder bud struckers lime green flower with bright orange pestils. She is a bit airy to the eye but rather dense to the feel.

Ive kinda given up on bothering with a decent trim job, the less time i spend stinking up the house the better, (I need to reup on ozium). im not smoking a lot right now and dont mind picking out a few leafs as i smoke and no one bitches about ugly weed when its free and smokes good, my few retail contacts know the bang is worth the cost by the smell and my experience.
Kristi dream is hagard after my weeks of neglect and probably locked out, luckly she is nearly done and i should be able to limp her along until i got empty house time to tear her down.she got a though flush last week dose not look like she produced much but has some of the coolest sprial shaped flowers ive grown so far.
Bubble head made it though the illnesses in house better but needs a few more weeks to bulk up and looks like she will give a nice yield.
GSC looks to have made it though mostly unharmed but is still being a slow kid, takes noticably less water to produce run off then the others, flowers are barley developed and she had rather little strech.
Purple tahoe is growing bushy more then tall, star dream got uppotted last week, one of the D369's has much more vigiours growth then the other, is near ready for an uppot and will be my keeper and i got a home for the other and second star dream that will return me a cut of tropicanna cookies, the flower from her mother is quite lovely, sweet with complex mixed fruit flavor/terps and a heavy dark purple color expression

Kids will be in bed soon and I will post pics of the live plants when i go water in a hr or so