since it’s so consistent, I would guess there’s some sort of pathogen in your city water.
I prefer to use tap water, but it never works out that way. Where I live now, the water alternates from 60ppm to over 200 ppm. Whenever it gets really high like that, I’m pretty sure it’s all calcium because any plant that gets the tap water when it’s 200ppm or higher, starts showing mag deficiencies within a couple of days. So I just stick to RO. A bit harder to PH but that’s the only real downside other than the waste.

also, imo Mother Earth coco is great stuff!! Very well rinsed, anytime I’ve mixed a little bit with RO water to make sure all the sodium is washed out, it’s always showed 0ppm on a TDS meter.
Close to 24 hours after adding hydroguard, the smell has almost gone away completely! I also shut off a vent in my basement that is allowing the temperature to go down as low as 65-68 during the dark cycle, still hits around 75-76 with the light on though. I just checked it about 2 hours in to the dark cycle and the smell is hardly there. Hopefully this works out! I’m still gonna try coco though.
I was about to add H2o2 to the res but if this hydroguard actually works then fuck yeah. Also, I have paper plates covering the hydroton with a hole cut out for light to hit the plant. I’m doing literally everything I can to keep light out.
When it comes to coco, should I only use RO water to water it? Should i add the hydroguard to the solution in that medium as well?