smelly bud! help!? overfed? ruined?

the bud itself used to smell awesome but now it smell awesome an d like dog shit/algae/ mildew. I started them up in march, theyre outdoor and ben budding for a little under a month. ben fertilizing w/ fish emulsion fuck i think i over did it. i looked at the roots they seemed alright and smelled ok kind of earthy. i also noticed little white specs on some of the leaves could this be over watering,overfertilizing, fungus, mold?? i think its over fertilizing i was giving them like an 8th tsp to a half gal fuck. any way i think i fucked up o well i learned what not to do next batch what a dumass ithink this shit wont even be smokable all i can do is water it down now and pray.


Active Member
naw if u use alot of fish emulsion u get skunk,i learned that from a hippy thats been growin since 60's


Well-Known Member
pictures would help, but there are a couple of possibilities,
A) has it lost all its smell, like can you get into a bud and smell it?
During the last weeks of flower the plant can seem like it lost its smell but it will come back during curing.
B) you said their was white specks on the plant, could it be mold in which case the plant could still smell good but be very bad to smoke
pictures would help, but there are a couple of possibilities,
A) has it lost all its smell, like can you get into a bud and smell it?
During the last weeks of flower the plant can seem like it lost its smell but it will come back during curing.
B) you said their was white specks on the plant, could it be mold in which case the plant could still smell good but be very bad to smoke
aww thats fucked up im prety mad right now could it be from overwatering. this hurts man, the roots were kinda brown an smelled earthy now i think about it
-inside the bud smells good but the outside is skunky probly from emulsion hopefully[/QUOTE]
i guess i wont have any smokable shit 4 a while oh well learning expierience huh thank you alot man