Smells that make you nauseous


Well-Known Member
Ok so the smell of shit is bearable, but there is many sprays that "mask" the smell, but just end up mixing with the shit smell. It makes me fucking gag like no other. And it's just certain types, other sprays will mix fine with the shit smell, and still be bearable. Whats your favorite shit spray?
Neutron Industries makes great spray for masking "animal shit" and "good shit".


Well-Known Member
The smell of straight vinegar makes me sick...mixed with oil on salads is fine, but by itself is fucking stomach turning.


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 weird ones. Mcdonalds (have to hold my breath)
Lavender (I used to have a fucking great hedge of it and it just got too much, now I can't stand it)
Hugo Boss (spilt an entire bottle of it in my bedroom as a kid). Same as Lavender now!


Ursus marijanus
Random grammar Führergram:

"Nauseous" actually means "makes you want to hurl". Smells can be nauseous, and if you encounter one, your condition will be "nauseated". cn



Active Member
When that girl sticks her butthole in your face and lets loose one wet juicy blast of flatulance

I believe it's called Brazilian fart porn


Well-Known Member
The smell of death is rank......especially human decomp,it will make you sick,no matter how good your gag reflex is,knowing the source is human is what makes it so bad.