smelling my weed makes me cough?

So my buds have been curing in a jar for around a month and a half now and just recently i've noticed that when I open the jar and smell it, I instantly get the urge to cough, like I had just smoked too much of it, but all i'm doing is smelling it in raw form?

Has anyone else had this happen or can explain why it happens?
it smells the same as it always has... it's just the initial strong smell when you open the jar, it loses it's coughing affect shortly after being opened. Mould was one thought that crossed my mind, but it seemed pretty dry when I put it in the jar and i'd been burping the jar often in the first month of curing...


Well-Known Member
How long has this been going on for? What part of the World are you in?

Could it be a virus/cold developing? Or maybe an allergy to something else, that is triggered by your deliberate sniff?

Doubt it's the herb, but I did instantly wonder about some form of mould - as I'm guessing the first person to reply did too. Here's hoping it's the Chronic! ;-)


Well-Known Member
That means you got that FUNK :hump:

I've never had the "coughing" urge, but I've definitely had some strains that are so strong the terpenes burn my nose. By nature, most terpenes are considered volatile oils.
I put it into jars at the start of this year and the last week or two it's only just started making me cough when sniffing it. The weather has been very warm here lately