1. go to your local huntng out fitters store, buy some possum or racoon scent, for trapping, or even doe piss scents. Just ask and act stupid and ask whats best to get a deer to come in close, buy the scent. Now this shit is strong, 1 drop will make your nose shrivel up it smells sooo bad, eather spread some aound the steps, like the bottoms so the dog will alert to it and make the cops go crazy looking for it under the steps. Theoretically a dog will go for prey rather than weed, because of natural instinct. Or if your extremly paranoid, you could always buy glass vials and then if the dea pops up, throw it some where in your house and itll alert to it. And there this spray you put on your furniture so dogs wont jump up on it, try that shit.
2. this is an idea, more of a story really. My buddy knew his crib was gonna get raided, so he took and lit a big fire, burnt all his lamps and shit, in a big big big big fire. It was 1 week from harvest but he had to snip them early or go down, and before the cops arrived, he got seran wrap, cut the crop down wrapped his stash and the buds up all in seran wrap, put it in a blue wooden chest he had, wraped it in a load of seran wrap. He told me he used 19 rolls of seran wrap to make sure it was COMPLETLY SEALED, then tied it to a few bricks and through it into his pond out back his house...piggies never found it, and it was good shit...thts desperate though...
be aware that the lamps, hps, were just the actual bulb and there was no hood over top then...just the buld, cord, fixture , he used aaluminum foil...the MONSTER