Smell outside your house

Wow. Quite impressive.

If your Uvonair is able to neutralize the smell of such a large room with so much light, then the device must work well.
Your grow journal is a bit long, so it will take some time to read it all.

A quick search gave the result that you did not talk about your Uvonair in that thread, right?
I haven't used the uvonair in years. That was used back when I ran air cooled lights and a vented room. Now I have AC and CO2 so that whole line of 12 inch duct, blower and uvonair is just sitting idle.
I realize that this is a somewhat stupid question. But I'm still going to ask it.

If you grow in your house or shed, and your filter is broken (or if you don't use one), how far from the building can you still smell the smell?

I also realize that this has to do with the wind direction, wind speed and how large your room is.
But is there a difference in the kind of scents you can smell?
With a BBQ I have the feeling that you can still smell it 3 blocks away. But other scents seem to disappear much sooner.

the answer depends on several factors
1 how high is the exhaust port from the ground (rusty every 10 or 20 feet off the ground the wind speed picks up 10miles ....double check not 100%)
2 the humidity in the air / rain
3 the plant type (some stink more then others)
4 the temp of the room ( smells volatilize at different rates and temps .....a cooler room will stink less then a hot room)
5 how often are u touching /movement on the plant .......u break surface tension on the gland heads makes it smell more
6 finally the plant life outside the smells they make

at most figure worst case all factors create the stinkiest possible 200 yards for human nose.......dogs nose half a mile
the more the plants u have the more area the stink will go .......i live in Oregon and can smell certain grows from the highway when i drive and they are good half mile from it in town u can smell it nearly in the whole town during flowering except near the saw mills then u smell pine

best bet is a carbon filter or if u have like a 10 inch ducting going u can get a ozone gen that attaches to the ducting (ozone is what they use in hospitals and clean rooms it like a natural frebreeze attaches to particles in the air and kills the smells ........but it kills Co2 too so it is not a good thing to use in the actually grow area only exhaust)

if u are in a area that can grow them jasmine flowers is a great thing for hiding the smell of a messes with the dogs

one other thing if u have a AC and it is drips water outside the grow room that will trigger a dog ......the smell is like 100 feet humans would not notice it but a dog will ........the best thing to do is to put old coffee grounds on the dirt it drips on and plant roses(thorns) or jasmine flowers there (just rem to add new coffee grounds once a month)

i know this stuff because i was illegal for 5 years with a state trooper with 2 teenage kids next door .........50 feet from the exhaust point no troubles

and if u want a good carbon filer for your grow look up on ebay {foothill carbon filters}....usa ppl that make reusable filters ......after 12/15 months dump out old used up active carbon and refill it with new stuff at a greatly reduce cost then buying a whole new filter ........just rem to replace/clean the dust filter put on the outside every 3/4 months and the unit can last u until u do not grow anymore and selling off gear
I haven't used the uvonair in years. That was used back when I ran air cooled lights and a vented room. Now I have AC and CO2 so that whole line of 12 inch duct, blower and uvonair is just sitting idle.
Are you currently using an exhaust fan to ensure underpressure?
grow them jasmine flowers
I have a tree out front that smells exactly like jasmine when it blossoms at about the same time outdoor crops do here. It is like when you get out of the car you get punched by jasmine.
I have a tree out front that smells exactly like jasmine when it blossoms at about the same time outdoor crops do here. It is like when you get out of the car you get punched by jasmine.
that is good

jasmine and coffee are the 2 thinks i can swear to that will block dogs (shipping)