Smell of fresh marijuana in heating vent...


Hi. A person in a room right below mine has a lot of marijuana. The room reeks. The smell gets into the heating vent, then when the heat turns on it all blows up into my room.
My question is: Can this smell of heated weed get you high at all?

I wouldn't think so at first, but it smells really strong. People who have been in my room are very surprised to find out that the smell isn't generated from a lit bowl, bong, blunt, joint, hookah, etc, and that it's just the smell of un-smoked marijuana.

Can this heated smell get you high? Please, don't spread false information. I'd like to know for sure.


New Member
Marijuana has to be heated to a certain temp to release the active ingredients and get you high. Even when cooking with it, you need to get it to a certain temp to get all the goodness of the high.


Well-Known Member
1.knock on this persons door..say carbon filter...walk away 2.mention this to no one...dont piss in this guys cherrios...he really dont need the authorities asking what that smell is


Klonerone, I really have no choice but to smell it. I figure if it were to get me high at all, it would only get me a little high. People can be a little high without knowing it, especially if they don't think there is any reason or way for them to be a little high.


Hazorazo, do you know what that certain temperature is? And even if the heating vent got to that temperature, I'm sure there isn't actual physical marijuana in the vent, just the smell of it. It just smells very strong, and a bit different than pre-heat-vent weed, though I'm positive it's not being smoked down there.
I agree with djruiner, knock on his door and help him out getting the smell under control. Who know's you might get some free dank out of it, or save his ass from goin to jail.


Moderatrix of Journals
in my startout days (this was before hydro shops even sold carbon scrubbers) we used to put dryer sheets in the heat vents to cut back the smell. your house'll smell REALLY FRESH for the first few days, but that'll even itself out.
and i would say, no, you're probably not going to get high off the smell (even the heated smell) of growing cannabis. if that were true, growers could charge US big $$$ to help THEM out with their trims....


Active Member
go to his door and just say..... "give as a smoke of that smell from your air vent will ya", you know what they say, if you cant beat them, join them.


Well-Known Member
Hazorazo, do you know what that certain temperature is? And even if the heating vent got to that temperature, I'm sure there isn't actual physical marijuana in the vent, just the smell of it. It just smells very strong, and a bit different than pre-heat-vent weed, though I'm positive it's not being smoked down there.
about 350-375 degrees...


Well-Known Member
love this post :)

no matter who else comments on this you will not get a better answer than
1.knock on this persons door..say carbon filter...walk away 2.mention this to no one...dont piss in this guys cherrios...he really dont need the authorities asking what that smell is
dont be a snitch a BIGGGGGG no no just knock the door as stated ask if you can talk up at your place (not at there front door) let the person smell for them self what you smell most of the day
let the person no ur telling them because you dont want them to get pinched as in (if you smell it who else can ??) and i bet the smell will go away very fast
and in doing so you may make a good friend / but if the smells go away he will be happy and much better so will you be hope this helped


Well-Known Member
Hi. A person in a room right below mine has a lot of marijuana. The room reeks. The smell gets into the heating vent, then when the heat turns on it all blows up into my room.
My question is: Can this smell of heated weed get you high at all?

I wouldn't think so at first, but it smells really strong. People who have been in my room are very surprised to find out that the smell isn't generated from a lit bowl, bong, blunt, joint, hookah, etc, and that it's just the smell of un-smoked marijuana.

Can this heated smell get you high? Please, don't spread false information. I'd like to know for sure.
I'm sorry. I hope it doesn't bother you. I have kind of wondered if the smell was going through the vent. If you smoke come on down and hit me up and I will give you some, as for the smell getting you high I'm pretty sure it wont. If it really bothers you either talk to me or if you don't want to approatch me just put a note under the door, and I will make sure the smell stops- Thanks, Your neighbor


Active Member
Hi. A person in a room right below mine has a lot of marijuana. The room reeks. The smell gets into the heating vent, then when the heat turns on it all blows up into my room.
My question is: Can this smell of heated weed get you high at all?

I wouldn't think so at first, but it smells really strong. People who have been in my room are very surprised to find out that the smell isn't generated from a lit bowl, bong, blunt, joint, hookah, etc, and that it's just the smell of un-smoked marijuana.

Can this heated smell get you high? Please, don't spread false information. I'd like to know for sure.
are you ok? if you do not know the answer to this question already i assume your 10yrs old or mentally handicapped


Well-Known Member
beardo if for real you are the person who lives under them/her dont wait for the knock dude just get the filter ;)
as they/she has let you no that it is over powering

and as i said if they smell it bro who else can?????

all the best on ur over powering gank rich tric grow rofl (and come harvest blaze one up for me ;))

GL on ur grow