Smell alert!!!

I have a major problem. i've been growing these plants in a wood box in my room for the past few weeks. I have one exhaust fan that is built in in the back of the box to supply the plants with fresh air and a hole for the air intake since i was unable to get another fan. the fan hardly does much and puts out an extremely low amount of air preasure, (you can hardly feel it) but it does do the job. lately i've been noticying my room is beginning to smell like pot, so i bought some air fresheners to hang over the holes, in a hope to hide the smell since the plants i believe might be starting to bud. does anyone have a solution to my crisis?! or know of a great kind of air freshner i could get at a local store?? i am unable to buy online. please help meeeeeeee!!

the pics i've attached are a little old and the plants are bigger now..



Well-Known Member
Your two young to be growing. Its a bad idea. Please quit before your parents disown you or you get arrested. Your not ready for it yet.


Well-Known Member
Get a inline computer fan for exhaust and attach a DIY or a small carbon filter to it. air fresheners are not going to cut it.


Well-Known Member
Walmart has a Fabreeze carbon air filter that plugs in and runs real silent. I use it for 4 plants and it works great. It costs $16.95.


It was a horrible idea to do that in your room, but you should invest in an active carbon filter. Or just move your little box of wonders to a more discrete location


Well-Known Member
get a higher CFM outlet fan (like a 100CFM PC fan and hook it up to a DIY carbon filter (in the DIY section)). You can buy all the parts for like $25 total including fan. Smell will be gone completely


Well-Known Member
lol damn erybody rashin, do you guitardude
my thoughts exactly.

just make sure you dont tell anyone, not your homeboys or nothing. and yea, you definitely should have had a contingency hand ahead of time. if you try to plan for everything that can go wrong you will have a lot more success in the future.
what i dont know how to do is hook up a fan to an outlet. they are all AC current and not DC so i've had to hook the fans to a Ac to DC converter. which only transferes out to 6 volts cause it has a block on it. and the 6 volts bearly runs the fan. that is my real problem, i cant find a quiet little fan i can hook up to an outlet!!! are there any out there????