Smart idea or a trap.

Hey all I am pretty new around here haven't posted in a while but came across something that sparked my interest and I thought could start a interesting discussion let me know what you think;-)

I was scrolling through an auction site were the police auction off everything they seize from boats to tools. I noticed they had several complete grow start up kits of pretty reputable brands they supposedly seized from various grows. It occurred to me this is either a great way to get caught or a insanely cheap way to get started up. I believe its the first one anyone else want to chime in with their thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Ya I would be nervous about that but remember you're just buying shit right? pay cash and don't give them your name.
Ya I would be nervous about that but remember you're just buying shit right? pay cash and don't give them your name.
Its a online site I believe you have to use paypal/credit card something along those lines I've never bought anything off the site but you either get it shipped to you or pick up at the hq. You could use someone else s card and address and the trail would end there. You could fade off in to the nether so to speak. But then again I don't know anyone that i could go up to and be like hey can i get this grow kit shipped to your house?


Active Member
I remember watching a reality TV show years ago where the cops went down a list of people with outstanding warrants and started calling them. They told these people that they'd won a sweepstakes and all they had to do to claim their prize was to show up at a certain address at a certain time. You can imagine what happened when the people showed up to collect their winnings. The point being that when it comes to cops, their thought patterns and their methods, they're nothing more than criminals with badges.
Just my 2¢....


Well-Known Member
Probably a good deal for people that don't grow weed, but have an indoor garden. Then you have no worries. But I wouldn't buy for growing weed.


Well-Known Member
Probably a good deal for people that don't grow weed, but have an indoor garden. Then you have no worries. But I wouldn't buy for growing weed.

I dont know I would be pretty worried about the swat team kicking my door down to say the least

I think in situations like this it's always better to play it safe and be able to sleep at night , no matter what your doing or not doing

It would not surprise me if just by bidding on the stuff they charge you with conspiracy to whatever , esipicaly since it says how the stuff was stolen


Well-Known Member
Considering the number of stories about cops following people home from a grow store I sure wouldn't. My favorite still is the raid on the ex cia couple.


Active Member
I don't believe they can investigate you without probable cause. Grow lights wouldn't give them PC because they can be used for indoor veggie gardens. I still would not do it cuz when your 3 months into a grow the worst thing is to be paranoid about po po.


Well-Known Member
I agree with above no way in hell. Except if a friend of your friend that dont no you orders it from texas paid for it drove to were ever to get it delivered to your friend and then he delivered it to you very troublesome yes id stay away unless you had a real deal micro green garden that was a legit business