Smallest yield you have ever got from one plant?


Well-Known Member
once i had a plant just die, out of nowhere. one day it was fine, the next the leaves were drooping.

i went to pull it up to do an autopsy and i'll be damned if it didn't look like a sharpened pencil on the end. it was pointed just like a pencil just below the soil. ants carved the stem down to a fine point.

had about 2 bowls on it. :)



Well-Known Member
i hate to brag but i have yeilded low lately. one 3 footer had less than 3/4 oz dried. and the top only got to 3.2 grams.

but it was cramed in a half quart pot

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
lol come on now. Besides if it were zero, you wouldn't have yielded at all
well, it IS kind of a silly question. Any old kanaka can get it so wrong they've got nothing but a brown seedling to smoke. :D

BTW, I liked your owl avatar much better. Really funny pic, suits 'O'Rly' very well.


New Member
2 grammes. from a hydro plant from a bunch of low yielding hydros that i kept in a corner alongside my proper flowerers. The plants were about 6ft from the light.

I do it all the time. If there's space, use it. I need all the bud I can get.
my first grow was all oaksterdam clones. we really messed em up. under nuting, heat stress, mites. on the smallest plant we yielded 1.75 grams dry. it was a kryptonite or sour grape. we're doing much, much better this time with bubble gum bubbas.