Smallest Possible Setup? (Stealth grow in my crawlspace)


Well-Known Member
It's your parent's house... Don't do it.

Plus it gets hot as hell in a crawl space in the summer, it won't work, and your parents will definately notice you going in there... Bad idea.

Wait til you're renting a place next year... Grow some tomatoes this summer.


Active Member
I think I can come up with a reason for my being down there without much of a problem...


Well-Known Member
Alright... But every single person here will agree with me telling you it's a bad idea...

In some states they can seize your house for growing.

You are putting your parents house on the line.

Grow the fuck up, I'm not telling you how to grow in mommy and daddies house.

Get a place of your own if you think your mature enough to grow, which I highly doubt, planning on growing in your parents crawlspace.

No-one on this forum will help you grow in you parents house... :finger:

If I had the chance I'd tell your parents your scheme.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro, but I do have to agree. It is your parents house...if anything ever happened, even if there was a fire upstairs from a candle, their insurance (not yours..) Is COMPLETELY VOID. They could lose literally Everything because of 1 little innocent plant. And No one is ever going to give someone credit, a mortgage, anything if their insurance was voided at one point due to growing marijuana.

And do you have any idea how big some of the fines are for growing? Fines from cops, electric companies, whos gonna pay the $50, 000 fine? You wont be charged, your parents will get the fine because its their home, they are responsible or ANYTHING In that home.

You might not want to hear it, but if you ever go through the process of buying your own home you would understand.

Perfect example would be if you owned a house and rented out the basement suite. One day you have a fire in your kitchen, no problem, insurance covers that. But then you find out the person renting the basement has a plant in his closet. Suddenly your insurance backs out and YOU are treated like the criminal, not the victim.

Anyways, seriously think it through man, I dont think your accepting some of the major reasons why this is a horrible idea....heat, mold, parents.....I could go on and on and on.

Anyways, good luck man.



Well-Known Member
Thanks BC, but one small error, if the person is renting the basement suite, and there is a rental contract that has been signed by the rentor... Then the owner is in the clear.

The best way to go is rent a property under a false name or alias if you can, then nobody can get in trouble if your aren't on the scene of the crime...

Another thing, if you own property, and you have a rental contract filled out for that property, technically you can grow there, and the rental contract will keep you in the clear, 5th amendment... Again, as long as you aren't caught on the scene.

But, growing in your parents house without their knowledge, thats just plain dumb. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
One more thing, if you own a rental property, and have a contract to rent for 1200 a month, and the house payment is only 700 a month, that proves a 500 monthly income, and reason for being able to pay the mortgage. Keeping the books clean. If you are the one renting your own rental property... It's a pretty big no-no but it totally works.


Well-Known Member
Depending on your location, Even with rental contracts, the homeowner can be fined. If the renter was ever to steal power (I know this wont happen in this situation) the homeowner, not the renter, could be responsible for all the fines.

What it comes down to is that the Homeowner is responsible for the home.
