Small Scale/ Low Budget Thread


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to make a little thread for us small time growers, people that are just trying to grow a little something to smoke. Feel free to post some pictures of some little (mirco) grows can be recent or just what you started out on. If you also have some cheap tricks for odour, ventilation etc would love to see/hear all about your techniques. Am new to growing and RIU so all posts are appreciated!



Well-Known Member
the indoor sub forum has most of what your looking for in this thread. you said your new, just lookin out. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Naw, ive been looking around on the site for a week or two now and i know thats theres tons of little threads exactly like this one just trying to make one myself..

i know where your coming from though man, thanks for looking out for a newbie!


Well-Known Member
very nice shady, must have topped that did you? looks real good, how many weeks into flower is it?