looks like ya got crabs!!!!It appears to have little pinchers or something ....Yes? I dont think it is a spider mite. How does your leaves look are they chewed up? Mabey a clearer pic. Or compare the little guest with a pic of a spidermite. (best route). If you do find it to be a little harvest wrecker don't freak out too much. (counterproductive) .. read thread on caliclear. Don't go buy a bunch of shit that will probably waste your plants. I.E. that god awful neem oil. just whip yourself up a batch of cali clean, costs about $1.00. All you need is 5 habeneros the size of a lighter. Go ahead don't be afraid read the thread, Its very usefull. This stuff can be used on every thing thrips, fungus nats, ect. It acts like a bandaid and actually greens the plant back up on damaged leaves in a few hours. Amazing shit. this is what i use for pestulance.
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I keep a colony of these alive all the time I harvested this nest froma basement grow in the rockies last nov I've kept them in a box of newspaper in my fridge. Lately I noticed an abundence of fungus nats so I will hatch one of these nests and start a new colony. Soon I will have many of these nests in my fridge to sell to the local hydro shop. 5 for $10. They will hatch out of this nest in 3 to 4 weeks. And flourish. They will breed and make nests. When you have one of these colonies nothing crawls and lives long in these rooms. They love spidermites aphids and fungus nats. They are supper cool to watch cruise through your buds. I Once saw one take out a black widow. took about a second. It ate everything but the head.
Can you guess what they are? Yes praying mantis's...