small problems with sog/soil grow


New Member
I have a 30 plant sog grow under a 1000w mh. I have the plants in mixed soil in bags. I cloned the tenth or eleventh, and kept them in veg for ten days.
Most of the plants are doing wonderfully, one is not getting that hard, woody stem like the rest, but is still showing new growth. It is also lighter green than the rest.
A few more are not having the growth spurts that the rest are.
One has obvious overnuting or overwatering problems.
Heat is taken care of, as well as CO2.And once again, most of the plants have almost doubled in size since I cloned, so I cant figure out why a fe of them are acting like gutter womps.Any advice is appreciated.


New Member
I agree man..sometimes these people arent helpful at all!!It really gets under my skin too,because theres this website where you get alot of replies within minutes,and theres alot less people than in Rollitup....


Active Member
Its really hard to say man...
Youre growing in soi. Soil acts as a buffer that may hinder your ability to gauge whats wrong with the plants. You must rely simply on how well you control your nutrients.

The only advice I can offer you is to try to get a hold of some soil and water testing equipment. Once you know what exactly youre putting into the soil, you can narrow down possible sources of error.

Start by flushing your current soil with some clean (pH and ppm adjusted) H20. Use your water testing kit to test the water that is flushed from the plant. Once the output H2O starts to test very similarly to the input H2O, the soil should be 'clean'.

Then start watering with good nutrient mix (tested and adjusted for pH, EC, ppm, etc). Perform flush once a week for optimum growth. Weekly flush is not necessary and should only be done if you plan on maintaining a very strict nutrient level.

Monitor the plants for deficiencies. If the plant is still growing poorly, there may be something leaching nutes or preventing the plant from proper nutreint uptake. Causes of this may be bacteria, mold, insects, etc growing in the dirt around the roots.

Yellow, slow growth CAN be a N deficiency. You be careful not to jump to any conclusions as to why your plants arent growing properly. Many times its a simple fix like pH, temperature, airflow, or over-watering. Many times, adjusting the basic requirements (from previous sentence) may fix supposed deficiencies.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
my plant had some over watering as well as some over nuting. i had some discoloration at the tips of the the first fan leaves. I cut back the watering to only when the soil is next to dry. which usually took about three days. since that my plant has taken off its showing beautiful cemitry, and coloration. this could be something you may want to try.


Well-Known Member
lots of variables that have been left out... makes it hard to even formulate a potential answer...

for instance, you said they were from clone... are they all from the same mother or are different genetics at play? if the genes are different, the plants can be totally off the charts.

since your problem is stem development, that makes me think your oscillating fan doesn't hit all the plants... but fuck if i know... a pic would probably help.

in a SOG, lighting can be a real pain in the ass with plants shading each other out... 1000 watts goes a long way, but a light mover makes a noticeable difference.

another wild ass guess i have is that your soil or nutrient mix is irregular... this group of plants has more nutes or loser soil than that group.

look for what is the same and what is different... in a SOG, everything should be as equal as possible... speaking of, you say your cO2 and temps are stable... are they even though? have you checked temps in various areas of the grow op? are you sure your cO2 is distributing properly or is it just hanging around a couple plants?

dont get all attitudinal if you cant ask questions that are stoner friendly. personally, i would rather not hear bad advice rather than have some yahoo like me take wild ass guesses at what the problems could be.

more info is needed before any real comments can be made, so, go look at your SOG and see what isnt equal or what is missing. try stepping back from it so you can see the forest for the trees.


Active Member
hey this is supposed to be helpful not negative. you should probably smoke some more of the shit weed that you buy in bulk because it makes you feel good to spend small amounts of money and getting so much oregano. lifes great when you can pick on people because you think your some prophet on how to grow a fucking weed. hes got his shit to gather he had some simple questions so why dont you go belittle your poodle get off of here if your not going to help.


Well-Known Member
hey this is supposed to be helpful not negative. you should probably smoke some more of the shit weed that you buy in bulk because it makes you feel good to spend small amounts of money and getting so much oregano. lifes great when you can pick on people because you think your some prophet on how to grow a fucking weed. hes got his shit to gather he had some simple questions so why dont you go belittle your poodle get off of here if your not going to help.
um, what? i dont see any picking on here other than yours. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think the problem lies within the rooting of the clones,some clones develope good root systems faster than others while a few are just plain dogs.

I had the same problem you describe doing a sog in soil with clones started in soil,i let the new clones veg for 2 weeks before flipping them over to bud,2 weeks into bud about 20% of the plants did not experience the same growth burst & stayed very small,for the entire grow they barely doubled in size,i also had goofy & unexplained symptoms resembeling nute burn.

I ended up pulling a few of the plants to see wtf was going on with the root systems,i took 3 normal & 3 of the fuked up plants,it was obvious as soon as i started comparing them,the 3 slow growth weak plants didnt have half the root system as the healthy ones,i decided to soak them in water overnight to expose 100% of the root mass from the soil.

In the morning i went back to the grow op & just as expected all the soil had fell from the root mass,laying all 6 plants next to each other showed about 50% larger root mass on the healthy plants over the other 3.

Keep in mind when i say healthy its only to reference the fast growth plants,all plants were in good health.

I think that 14 days veg time i used was too short for a soil clone,ive since switched to a 4 week veg time from the day clones are cut & solved all slow growth problems.

In my op lighting played no part in the problem,i run 4 6 ft light movers,not to expand the grow area but for even lighting of all plants,all plants in my op were equaly light with temps at a constant 76 degrees in all areas of the room.

I'd be willing to bet the plants in question have much smaller/weaker root masses over your healthy plants,next time try a longer root/veg time,it cured all my symptoms.
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Well-Known Member
I tried to pm you with more info but somethings fuked up im my pm folder & it wouldnt let me so i figured it's just as well to respod in the thread because i should of posted in depth my resolve to the problem in my 1st post.

You & i both joined the al fuct sog thread & i suspect you've taken as much info from his methods as possible,then incorporated it into your sog,i did the same,the problem in duplicating al's results is that everything in soil is slower,especially early root development.

I started digging up pics of hydro clones directly after figuring out it was a rooting problem on my end & after looking at a bazillion pics of hydro clones have come to the conclusion that us soil guys are not getting anywhere close to the root development speed as al is getting with his hydro sog.

Here's what i have done to correct the problem with 100% sucess.

I now pick & choose which clones will go into the rotation by root mass,i use peat plugs to clone,after clones are cut they stay under the floro tubes for 2 weeks,after that they go under hid lighting 24/7 for another 2 weeks,i then look at the peat plug of each clone,some clones will show massive roots sticking out of the plugs while others have just a few roots peeking out,the ones with massive root exposure are then transplanted & put into the 12/12 rotation,the ones with much smaller root mass are allowed to veg for an additional 2 weeks for the roots to catch up, then inserted into the cycle.

After a few go's at selective insertion into the sog op you'll then have enough clones that have been set back due to slower root formation to get back on the 2 week schedule,it added a bit more work for me & required cutting extra clones but it ended any uneven or slow growth & no clone goes to waste.


New Member
I see i see. Good call pan, i think i will try waiting for the root development next time. I hadnt even thought about holding the weaker of th eplants back until next time. Completely spaced it out. Good info all the way around as a matter of fact pan.


New Member
everything looks pretty good a few days later. I just want the one cola bud off of every plant. They have been in 12/12 for almost a week now, should i continue to cut the side growth away the entire time? They already basically lollipopped.Once again though i just want the one bud per plant.


Well-Known Member
Good question & one were both figuring out at the same time,i have been keeping the lower sections on most of mine trimmed up,the lower growth will stop once they've been on 12/12 for a while longer.

Im running some other non trimmed plants side by side as a test,once harvested i'll figure out which style is more productive for my op,i also am trying another method on a few others,im keeping just the fan leaves intact on the lower sections & trimming branches.


New Member
I am using a 1000w mh, so the nodes are real tight and right on top of eachother. i almost wish they would stretch some. I will get an hps for flower after i get back from vacation, but that will not help me this grow. I'm seeing that once they get past the initial cloing shock and rooting period, they are really taking off.
But pan, you are right, i dont really know exactly where to cut. You seem a littl efarther ahead than me, so please tell me what happens in your gro. Do you have it posted up? Link if so? We could really help eachother i think.