Small problem with clones, purple stems


So 2 nights ago I received 11 clones, transplanted them and put them in my micro box. They had a stressful drive and weren't packaged correctly but seem to be ok and are still showing new growth. They were showing signs of nutrient burn so i flushed them the next day. Today the leaf tips seem to look better but the stems are turning purple. Not stripes, but the hole stem is turning purple mostly on the top of the plants. I didn't lime my soil but the ph seems to be fine along with the ph of the water I'm using. Should I fertilize with the soil still wet right after flushing? The temp got down to 69 for 2 hours or so could that have done it?


I didn't fertilize them at all. It is possible the person I got them from did. They were fully rooted. My soil mixture is 30% light warrior 30% regular soil (forest products,compost, sand) and 40% miracle grow perlite. The perlite has a very small amount of nitrogen is that what could have cause the burn?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a P deficiency. Remember that Phosphorus is a mobile element. And cannabis uses the highest levels of phosphorus during germination, seedling, cloning, and flowering. And a lack of phosphorous causes stunted growth and smaller leaves. Leaves turn bluish-green and blotches often appear. Stems, leaf stems (petioles), and main veins turn redish-purple starting on the leaf's underside. So a good flush would be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Your clones will be fine. Cool temps can cause color change but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just watch your nute levels and pH closely and you should be all set. Good luck :D


cool, thanks for the feedback
I jus planted 2 seeds a couple weeks. For the first 3 weeks one of them had a purple stem I was about to throw it out cuz I figured it was bad, A few days ago it turned green and is real healthy. I didn't change anything. If you think you are doing the nutes accurately now, and your ph is straight I wouldn't worry about it. Hope this helps!