Small Leafs and Bare Branches

Hello ~
My vegetating plants are 4-5 months old. Recently leafs turned yellow fell off and I lost big fan leafs. I believe my plants where root bound and 7 days ago replanted in larger pots. If this is really the problem can my plants recover from this? I really wanted to start flowering but now think I should wait.
Would be thankful for any input.
Thanks in advance,
What type of medium; soil
What brand and type of soil? soil cycle organic
What strain? indica/sativa hybrid - not sure bought female starts at mmj center
How old are the plants? 4-5 months
What type of lights and how many watts? CFL's T-5 and some daylight 60watt
How far from the lights? t-5 2 inches from top of plants
What is your watering frequency and source of water? once every 4 days / tap water
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? After replanting 7 days ago I flushed then I fed with Bushdoctor Kangaroots Root Drench 0.8-0.1-0.03
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? 6 -6.5 ph
What are the temps and humidity in the room? around 70-75 degrees but temps may have dropped a few times due to colder weather.
What size pots? 5 gallon
Any bugs? Look real close. Thought there was spider mites 3 months ago but haven't seen any since treating.
Any other pertinent info? One week ago I replanted into the 5 gallon pots but thought they would respond in about a week from the shock. I want to start flowering but afraid they are not healthy enough.


I have looked at pictures of root bound plants. My girls roots did not look that bad but the roots where showing around the edges. I am concerned about the small leafs and lack of big fan leafs. Is it possible for them to recover?

Hoping someone can give me some advice : ) I know I have a problem.

Am obviously new here and looking for help.


Well-Known Member
don't do anything else until fully recovered. Give them some superthrive if you have avaliable


Rebel From The North
Those plant are sick looks like mag/ nitrogen and heat also the fact that there overkill for there pot size!
The mag/ nitro could be ph or lack of nutes issue. Please do some reading and learn! Also those stems are purple
Thats another issue to look into, good luck

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
they look kinda like my 1st dwc ....right before they drown....but there looks to also be nute prob....but im not good at that id listen to him above me....


Well-Known Member
your problem has more to do with the lights than roots. you cannot grow plants that size with fluorescents. they just fade out after a few inches, and at a foot's distance, your plant's are practically in the dark. get an HPS if you can, or cut your losses and flower it soon, you won't be getting much of it in the end anyway, i'm afraid :((

you're not supposed to be vegging plants for so long. no harm in it, but it's a major waste of your time, money and good will. when growing with CFLs, best to keep your plant as short and small as possible (and would still yield more than what you will yield with this). even start flowering from seed. that way you'll end up with a plant that's covered with thick flowering, and finish in 3 months tops.
Thanks for the help and advice : )
I am going to just go ahead and start the 12/12 with bloom t-5 spectrum cfl's since that is all I have at the moment.
I do have my lights about 2 inches from plants.


Well-Known Member
If you have healthy branches left you could clone too, you may save the genetics by doing so mate


Active Member
I think that may be your best bet .... try for clones incase this one doesnt pull out .. not saying it wont ... just in case . If you have flushed well already - I would go ahead and hit it with some nutes .. maby a half normal mix at first . It is missing something for sure - do you have good drainage? did you see any " fuzz " on your roots when you transplanted ? It could be anything from nutelock to rootrot - I'd ph my runoff once also . anyway .... I'd try getting those clones incase .....