Small grow box lights ??

I recently went to Canadian tire and found alot of different kind of lights?

These are NOT the spiral ones that save that ok?

(850-1000 lumen)
100w full spectrum

(1000-1800 lumen)
150w clear white
150w soft white

(1500-2800 lumen)
200w clear white
200w soft white
200w warm white

I'm putting 3 lights on a power bar so what would be my best bet??


Active Member
The most important thing to consider is the spectrum of the bulb. If it's not a usable spectrum for the plant, then it won't do you any good. Aim for 5500k for vegging and 3000 for flowering. The higher the wattage of the bulb, the higher your lumen to watt ratio will be, so you're almost always better off with the highest watt bulb.
The most important thing to consider is the spectrum of the bulb. If it's not a usable spectrum for the plant, then it won't do you any good. Aim for 5500k for vegging and 3000 for flowering. The higher the wattage of the bulb, the higher your lumen to watt ratio will be, so you're almost always better off with the highest watt bulb.
Got ya! thx alot