small green seeds in my plant


Well-Known Member
lol bucky, thats the truth, why wait days for a taste, when you can sample it right away with a quick dry of a bowl or two, mine wasnt harsh at all, and as a matter of fact, i smoked 1/2 a j last night, got so stoned, i got sick. imagine that.
That's just it! properly dried you'll just get the soo stoned part, not the, I got sick part. i know it works fine for a tester but I wouldn't do much. If anything I sometimes chop up some fresh tester type stuff and leave it out to dry or put near a wind/heat source. evaporation/perspiration instead of anihilation.


Well-Known Member
Are they green seeds or the husk of the seed pod? Either way let them dry and most of the green ones will darken.


Well-Known Member
Something happen to me plant was done but let it go a little longer and some how got pollinated or something it had little green seeds in it. Strain was dinafem critical Jack auto.


Well-Known Member
could be a couple things, they are either immature seeds, from your bud possibly herming from being let go too long, or hermed by other means. Or you are seeing what is just basically a false seed, that is in all the calyx's of your mature bud. Although this is very easy to tell apart from a seed.


Well-Known Member
Greens = immature.
Grey = maybe good
Dark brown with stripes = bingo!

And I do agree that you let the plant go a bit too long so it made some pollen and some immature seeds. I believe in this theory.


a female plant will make its own seed before it dies even with no males present...its the plants only goal in life.just so u know.I think what happened is u let the plant go to long and boom shakalaka it produced it's own seeds!

This Is what just happened to me but i took the plants in week 7! (of 8)

Im affraid I have pollen everywhere now or is my new clones I took from 1 motherplant gonna be ok?