Small God Bud Plant / Can I use these UVB lights ?


Here is my overall setup for germinating and growing small plants. I have a whole closet setup ready for when they get larger. The light is a 48 inch t8 I picked up for cheap. I have a single cfl beside the god bud to supplement the other lights.


Now I know this god bud plant is small for its age, but it does look healthy, right?


Could I use these 4 CFL UVBs for my bearded dragon to help with my plants light? How long would everyone recommend starting off with? I know I could just search it but I wanted everyone to take a look at my plants too; thought I could get two birds stoned at once.

They are 13 watt repti glo 10.0.


Here is also a bag seed of my that I burned quite badly; it is recovering, slowly though.



Well-Known Member
I Have been using these bulb's for about 2 year,s now and they do what's necessary! Don't know where canavi is comming froom They have proven usefull to me see pic! Jackowl's shawdow3 064.jpgowl's shawdow3 060.jpgowl's shawdow3 062.jpg