Ha ha beat you too it Oh and know you know its on and don't fuck up like your Red Skins did....I just KNEW I should have taken a screen shot!! DAMNIT!!!
Man didn't get a chance for any grilled steak but i ate a late bowel of vanilla ice cream did the trick
fuckin awesome.
Stick it in there BITCH!Breaking Bad dialogue for the sick minded.Hank says, "Walt I know this is a little outside your comfort zone here.."Walt interrupts, "No I think it's a mistake". Hank responds, "Walt I need you to help me out here OK? I mean this is really important to me, JESUS, what are you gonna make me beg you come on, just stick it in there."
Excellent advice..Supercropping will greatly increase your output.I'd recommend a little supercropping if you can't raise any higher, but she's lookin' good! Are you going to feed her some nutes soon? Fox farm goes for around 3 weeks normally, right?
already there bitch but I am so F-uped..breaking bad continues now. You watchin bro?