Small buds and leafy pistils week 7 start


We are 1st time growers and need a bit of input on what's up with our Mystery Widow plant. History: She was grow from a seed thru 8 weeks of grow and veg and currently entering wekk 7 of flower. During veg her stem was snapped completely off and she was force topped. She yellowed for a bit, yet still grew vigorously. We experimented with pH until it was perfect and have been feeding her Fox Farm nutes for flowering. We have 2 other Diablo OG plants that vegged for 4 weeks from clones and are currently in the exact flowering length as the widow; week 7. They share the same grow tent and conditions. The diablo's are very bushy and have really fat buds swelling with dense hairs and trichs. The widow is way more leafy tho very triched and has much smaller buds. See pics. Any idea as to whn to expect the buds to swell like the Diablo's? Will it ever happen? The widow has very little hairs and small bb sized buds. Any input would help. Thanks.


Active Member
where is yer pics? (sorry give it till harvest and what a difference you'll see.) it will fatten up imo


pictures 2 and 3. Notice how leafy she is. BUds are deep inside as opposed to showing on the outside. They are tiny. photo 2.jpgphoto 3.jpg


Active Member
what about bud bloom you know nutes that help bud production , and extra cfl's ? for more light, i read some where that if there is a big temp drop after lights out ,it helps wae flowering, but i'm not sure any hoo best of luck